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March 1, 2015

Ron: One down, three to go? This time President Maduro and the Venezuelan government should expel the US Embassy in Venezuela and close its Embassy in the US. What's the point of clutching a viper to your bosom? Also, the conspirators should be placed on trial and executed if found guilty. Until and unless US inspired traitors and mercenary terrorists pay a suitable penalty for mass murder and conspiracy to mass murder, there will always be more nitwits prepared to take the Jews' money and do their dirty work. There are some individuals and some crimes that require the death penalty to be administered in order to protect society and the rest of the individuals in it. The instigators and perpetrators of violent undemocratic coups, whether successful or not, have to be seriously considered as candidates for such protective community action. Had Lenin,Trotsky and a handful of other Jewish Bolsheviks been apprehended and executed prior to their successful October 1917 COUP and the Bloody Red Terror that followed it, Imperial Russia may have remained a "Light Unto the World" and 66 million Russian Christians may not have been murdered with extreme prejudice by Talmudists. In that event, there would probably have been no WWII and no German invasion of Russia.
IF any of the COUP conspirators arrested on this occasion in Venezuela have indulged in this criminal subversive behaviour before, they should be considered to be candidates for execution for their recidivism. Otherwise they, and those who see them more or less walk away, as previously, may seek to emulate them. When it comes to mass murder, no one, including would be Christian religionists, is required to turn the other cheek... especially if the cheek is not their own. This policy also needs to be carried out in Ukraine when the Jewish plotters of the Kiev COUP are finally brought to justice. And if the US, UK and Israel et al seek to give the Kiev Junta criminals safe haven, the leaders of those nations need to face indictment in Nuremberg style legal proceedings as well.
Incidentally, the current anti-capital punishment MEME has been foisted upon our world by Jews as part of their campaign to confuse and disorient gullible gentiles. The MEME also reinforces the false Judaic, anti-God MEME which has us believing that we have no spiritual existance in a spiritual cosmos in which we incarnate in physical bodies in order to evovle spiritually. By denying our spiritual human destiny the Jews have managed to inculcate in us a fear of death because death supposedly represents extinction rather than merely being a transition to another life for us as eternal spiritual beings. Arguably, allowing some Techma and others to live very long lives without being terminated for their crimes against humanity, reinforces their insane criminality rather than curtailing it, let alone assisting them to reflect upon the error of their ways.



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