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WESTERN WORLD -vs- EASTERN WORLD - Police State USA, Collapse of America, Wall Street & More

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Feb. 22, 2015

WESTERN WORLD -vs- EASTERN WORLD – Police State USA, Collapse of America, Wall Street & More
In general, over the last several decades the world has experienced an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.
The opening up of relations with China and the “end of the Cold War” resulted in an extended period of cooperation between east and west that was truly unique in the annals of history. But now things are shifting. The civil war in Ukraine and the crash of MH17 have created an enormous amount of tension between the United States and Russia, and many analysts believe that relations between the two superpowers are now even worse than they were during the end of the Cold War era. In addition, the indictment of five PLA officers for cyber espionage and sharp disagreements over China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea (among other issues) have caused U.S. relations with China to dip to their lowest point since at least 1989. So could the emerging division between the east and the west ultimately plunge us into a period of global chaos? And what would that mean for the world economy? life asia west western world “united states” usa america u.s. “united kingdom” asian humanity “new york” future infrastructure building project construction land regulation british environment 2015 2016 visa “u.s. green card” employment job agency usd dollar currency “forex trading” “new york city” identity chinese lawyer law sleep dream entertainment trendy authority money cash poverty “elite nwo agenda” community service arrest poor miami race race war hispanic police industrial complex jail bond wall street system matrix george soros jamie dimon miami mega jail gold bullion silver corruption brutality alex jones jsnip4 g4t demcad rawdogletard montagraph we are change anonymous david icke glenn beck coast to coast am rant bilderberg 2014 illuminati jay z george soros rmb currency wars gerald celente jim rogers max keiser documentary
For as long as most Americans can remember, the U.S. dollar and the U.S. financial system have been overwhelmingly dominant. But now the powers of the east appear to be determined to break this monopoly. Four of the BRICS nations (China, Russia, India and Brazil) are on the list of the top ten biggest economies on the planet, and they are starting to make moves to become much less dependent on the U.S.-centered financial system of the western world. For example, just last week the BRICS nations established two new institutions which are intended to be alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF…
The world was slow to wake up to the new reality in which China is now the de facto IMF sovereign backstop, as Zero Hedge described two weeks ago in “China Prepares To Bailout Russia” when we noted that a PBOC swap-line was meant to reduce the role of the US dollar if China and Russia need to help each other overcome a liquidity squeeze, something we first noted over two months ago in “China, Russia Sign CNY150 Billion Local-Currency Swap As Plunging Oil Prices Sting Putin.”
NBC Sports has been forced to apologize following an outcry after the network deliberately edited out the words “under God,” from the US pledge of allegiance in a video segment for the US Open that showed images of US troops, but the edit has nothing to do with NBC’s purported “liberal bias” and everything to do with the fact that NBC is owned by the US military-industrial complex.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” states the United States Flag Code for the Pledge of Allegiance, but in an NBC promo for the US Open golf tournament, the “under God” part was cut from a recording of schoolchildren reading out the words.