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Posted on February 20, 2015by The Doc


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Resistance to Banker Rule Spreads…


Submitted by The Wealth Watchman


As we’ve discussed before, the bankers have need of keeping the dream of Eurasia from becoming a reality.  It is the thing which they pull out all the stops to prevent.  Many countries in the recent past, especially those in the Middle East, or in Europe’e periphery, who’ve dared to assert their own interests, have been put down in the most gruesome ways.  Yet the tide seems to be turning against the controllers!

In fact, considering the location of the latest rift growing in Europe, it’s becoming apparent that the deep-seated resentment is turning into outright opposition.  As the cracks in the DC/NATO armor become more severe, more and more countries are now openly doing things, which they’d only previously whispered of in secret.

Take the case of the newest country(on the ever-growing list of countries) to valiantly reject US/UK/IMF- funded, technocrat-flavored, “Uni-polar” governance…


Little Background on Hungary

Going as far back as their founding under Saint Stephen(pictured below), Hungary has been a very different sort of place in central Europe.

Hungary 2

Despite often being surrounded by many stronger neighbors since time immemorial, their institutions, traditions, religious convictions, and their language have always set them apart.  Their Magyar language particularly, being so completely different than every other language on the European continent, has helped to insulate them from outside cultural forces, and has helped maintain a vibrant Hungarian identity that the people have fiercely defended.

For centuries, the people of Hungary(the ethnic Magyars), have proudly guarded their sovereignty, and defiantly fought anyone who encroached upon them and their lands. Whether it was Turkish invasions(which they doggedly resisted for almost 300 years), or the Soviet occupation, the Hungarian people have risen up to throw off the yoke of oppression, and to establish control of their own homeland.  Theirs is a very real sense of the importance of freedom, since in their long history, they’ve suffered under everything from occupations and partitions, to ethnic cleansing.

Over time this staunch resistance is something that has come to typify the cultural mindset of their people.  Resisting foreign encroachments into their country has become every bit as Hungarian, as a steaming bowl of goulash(which is delicious, by the way)!

Demonstrators hold signs against the inf



So, perhaps it seems only fitting then, that this newest attempt to roll back bankster tyranny should come from their country.  This time though, the oppression being resisted isn’t military occupation(at least, not yet), but rather corporatism, IMF debt-slavery, DC diktats, and EU belligerence toward Russia.

Particularly though, this latest thorn in the banksters’ side, springs from Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and his political party, Fidesz.  For the past few years, he and his party’s actions have given Western ruling powers some major fits in their country.

Orban’s Courageous Audacity

Take, for instance, their stance on GMO’s and Monsanto.  Now, as we know, DC takes its love for its pet corporations very seriously, as its corporate tentacles are a major tool in the banker arsenal for nifty things: like colonization of other countries, destroying local sovereignty, as well as siphoning off coveted resources into their coffers.  So when Prime Minister Orban banned all GMO’s from their country’s agricultural scene several years ago, and actually plowed up over 1,000 acres of crops, which were found to be of the Monsanto variety, it definitely put him on Washington’s radar.

Now, just doing something like that alone, will more than get you expunged from the White House’s Christmas card list, but Viktor Orban didn’t stop there though!  Nooo sirree!

In fact, in 2010, he kicked it up a notch by placing a tax upon banks(rather than cut pensions, as the IMF suggested) to help close their budget deficit!  Ouch!  As expected, the banks(especially foreign banks), with the backing of the IMF, lobbied against these moves, but went down to stunning, inglorious defeat!

Later on, after being hounded by DC’s banking officials about implementing further austerity measures, Prime Minister Orban amusingly responded by unfriending the IMF on facebook! and rejecting the IMF’s calls for more austerity,explaining that cutting the pension funds of his citizens, and removing the bank tax was unacceptable.

Under Orban’s leadership, Hungary has not only managed to pay down their near $26 billion IMF loan, but did so early.  In 2013, with just $2 billion in payments left to go, he actually requested, via the central bank, that IMF officials should pack their bags and leave, noting that their “services” were no longer needed!

What really irritates DC though, is that Orban seems to have the overwhelming backing of his people!  Time after time, the Fidesz party has not only won re-election, but they’ve won by a landslide.  In 2014, his party rode back into power, with over 2/3 of the vote!  Many Hungarians finally seemed to have found a nationalist champion.  This has made it difficult to claim that Orban is simply acting alone, or without the consent of Hungary.

Hungary 6

From beating down austerity, to ridding Hungary of the IMF, Viktor Orban’s actions and reforms continue to cause the gnashing of teeth in the  Anglo-American banking camps.  Even with all these huge moves against the banking empire though, nothing has topped his latest moves.  In fact, the newest actions out of his government have made globalists in DC literally howl.

The Cherry on Top

For you see, brothers, it now appears that Orban and his party have charted a course to establish stronger ties with Putin and Russia, and not just a “wee bit” stronger, either.

“Watchman, how strong are we talking about, here?”

How about “green-lighting a transit for Russia’s natural gas pipelines, without consulting Brussels” kinda strong? In fact, just a few months ago, Orban’s administrationmanaged to pass a law making South Stream passage within Hungary possible.  Its passage wasn’t even close.  The vote’s final tally was 132 in favor, to 35 opposed.

Just think about this for a second: while Brussels is in the midst of being in a sanctions war with Russia, a central European country has approved a Russian pipeline going their country! This is extraordinary! 

It was such a resounding setback for the fantasy of “a Europe united against Russia”, that it’s given folks like ole’ Jean Claude Juncker(President of the European Commission) some serious conniptions!

Instantly, the phones were ringing off the hook, with EU politicians zealously demanding to know why Budapest officials had done this, and why Brussels hadn’t been contacted first about the decision.

Hmm, why would Budapest do this, brothers?  Well, I’ll let Janos Lazar, the Minister for Orban’s office, explain it:

South Stream is “extraordinarily important” for Hungary because it enhances the security of gas supplies to the country”.

And there you have it, it’s so beautifully simple, isn’t it? Bankers and EU elites still haven’t figured out why the peoples of Europe continue to hate them with increasing ferocity, or why the Fidesz party has continued going from strength to strength.

It’s because Hungary isn’t a “backwater outpost” colony of the EU, but rather a proud, sovereign country with over 1,000 years of history!  This is a concept that banking, technocrats hate: sovereign nations standing up for their own interests first.

The Hounds of Hell Begin to Bark

Though we all know that South Stream has been canceled, the law which Budapest passed still allows them to easily approve any other pipeline that would come through, including “Turk Stream”. 

This has made those with real power both nervous and angry enough to step in and voice their opposition to Orban and the Fidesz party.  In fact, back around Christmastime, DC unleashed one of their oldest, Rockefeller family poodles, the “Chimpmunk of War” himself…

“Oh, no!  Not him again!”

Oh yes, warriors!  John McCain is on the case!  Not content to simply ruin Syria or Ukraine, he’s gone and gotten himself involved in another personal quest to meddle(and to perhaps accomplish fresh regime changes) in other countries.

Why, just recently on his personal senate webpage, he gave a press release, where he spoke of his “concern about democracy and the rule of law” in Hungary!

“These concerns are shared by many. A ruling by the Venice Commission in 2013 found that Prime Minister Orban’s constitutional changes threaten democracy and rule of law in Hungary, stating that the amendments ‘contradict principles of the Fundamental Law and European standards,’ and ‘leads to a risk that it may negatively affect all three pillars of the Council of Europe: the separation of powers as an essential tenet of democracy, the protection of human rights and the rule of law.’

“And just last month, six Hungarians were banned from entering the United States over alleged corruption. U.S. Chargé d’Affaires André Goodfriend reportedly called the ban a warning to reverse policies that threaten democratic values, citing ‘negative disappointing trends’ in Hungary and a ‘weakening of rule of law, attacks on civil society, [and] a lack of transparency.’

Ain’t that funny?  One of the most murderous, corrupt officials, hailing from one of the least transparent, most corrupt, and most abusive governments on planet earth is calling Hungary’s government corrupt and opaque!


There was much else that he said, but I didn’t wanna ruin your breakfast!  You can visit his link to digest more garbage, if that’s your pleasure.

He also condemned Hungary’s cozy relationship with Russiaon the floor of the Senate, stating that,

“[Hungary] … is on the verge of ceding its sovereignty to aneo-fascist dictator getting in bed with Vladimir Putin,and we’re going to send the producer of ‘The Bold and The Beautiful’ as the ambassador.”

Brothers, never forget that globalists love to call people names who pose a threat to them. They know they don’t have truth on their side, so they instantly resort to ugly name-calling, in the hopes of poisoning public opinion as often as possible.  That’s a chief, go-to slur that globalists love: “neo-fascist”.

Of course, by “neo-fascist” what they usually mean is a nationalist, who cannot be bribed or cajoled, because they value their people, their traditions, or their religion above material gain.  

A “neo-fascist”, in short, is anyone the bankers can’t control.

Viktor Orban immediately fired back at Senator McCain,stating that,

“Hungary’s national independence is under attack here…McCain’s statements were“extreme manifestations”which only “reflect on the person who said them.”

“The country’s independence in terms of energy, finances and trade relations is unappealing to those who profited from Hungary’s dependence prior to 2010,” and that he “would not be a viceroy in Hungary commissioned by some foreign state”.

And lastly, in case anyone misunderstood his intentions:

“The file on the South Stream gas pipeline is now closed,”but Hungary’s interest has remained “to have a gas pipeline that arrives in Hungary avoiding Ukraine”.

Spoken like a true man of his people.  Can you see now why what’s going on in Hungary has the globalists worried?


My brothers, despite the best efforts of the banksters and technocrats in DC and Brussels, Eurasia is a reality that is slowly, inexorably creeping into Europe.  We’ve already seen here at the Truth HQ how Greece, far from being a lonely and isolated country, is a fair maiden with many, many suitors who’re willing to court her, should the EU drop the ball in these debt negotiations.  The desire to look further East,is no longer just confined to Greece or Orthodox, Balkan nations.

It’s become apparent to all the Western Elites watching, that Hungary, a nation mistreated by Europe’s elites ever since at least thepartitioning of their country after WW I, is becoming a real, distinct problem to the transnational banking establishment.

Hungary has dared to defy the IMF, DC, Brussels, and the rest of the toxic controllers, in defense of its own freedom and prosperity.  This is both inspirational, as well as a highly delicate(and perhaps even dangerous) situation.

The Magyar people have begun to find themselves again!  The amazing and refreshing thing about rediscovering yourself, is that you usually want to do “pesky” things!  Things like reasserting actual sovereignty, or fighting for your peoples’ best interests.

Whether it be transits like Turk Stream, new gas deals with Russiatreaties to enhance nuclear power with Russian aid, or seeking larger trade goals, the landslide victories of Orban’s “Fidesz” party seem to confirm that Hungary is ready to chart a new course, and find a better set of international “friends”.

I wish them the best of success in this endeavor, as they set a shining example of what is possible to the rest of us. However, I also admonish the Hungarian shield brothers among us(because there are a few), to jealously guard against any Western attempts to subvert your renewed national spirit.

A spirit which stubbornly(and gloriously) continues to choose identity over mammon.

P.S.-To the Hungarian shield brothers reading this, please pass this around to your countrymen, as I’d love to establish new contacts among your people.  The shield brothers are with you, in solidarity!