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Posted on February 6, 2015 1 Comment ----- IMPORTANT BY THE UNHIVED MIND

Pentagon study claims Putin suffering from a ‘form of Autism’

HomeUSForeign Policy Fri Feb 6, 2015 4:53AM

A Pentagon study has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is suffering from Asperger’s syndrome that is “an autistic disorder which affects all of his decisions.”

The 2008 study obtained by USA TODAY said Putin’s “neurological development was significantly interrupted in infancy.”

Brenda Connors, an expert in movement pattern analysis at the US Naval War College in Newport, wrote that the Russian president “carries a neurological abnormality.”

The report also cited Dr. Stephen Porges, who is a University of North Carolina psychiatry professor, as concluding that “Putin carries a form of Autism.”

On Thursday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest did not reject the Pentagon’s report.

“I’m not saying it’s un-credible,” Earnest said. “I’m just saying I don’t have a personal reaction.”

According to experts, a definitive diagnosis would not be possible without medical tests.

The study was published amid growing tensions between Washington and Moscow over the situation in Ukraine.

The US accuses Russia of supporting pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, an allegation denied by the Kremlin.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Kiev to meet with French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel ahead of talks with President Putin about the crisis in Ukraine.


February 6, 2015 at 9:51 am

Amazing how low and desperate the Pentagon and the U.S Government have become as the slave system of New Venice crumbles through bankruptcy. You have the U.S Government fronted by a real insane being known as Barack Obama who many on the inside claim should be removed under the 25th Amendment for being insane. You have demented terrorists like Senator John McCain and other incompetents all over the U.S. power system. Vladimir Putin is razor sharp and excels in intelligence! You could add up all the other western world leaders brains together and still fall way behind the mind of Putin. Why do you think they’ve come up with such a poor excuse of an attack? They know Putin’s mind is far in advance of there efforts so they hope they can easily fool the uneducated brainwashed herd. Why? So when Putin creates an economic black swan check mate on the U.S and cripples the U.S. economy then the Government can put all the blame on Putin instead of their own Nazi actions. Putin knows about the Project for a New American Century and how the Western control system have planned for a long time to try and force Russia to toe the line. The official documents on the U.S plans against Russia are all available to view if people want to see the truth. I only hope Vladimir Putin can create an amazing black swan event soon and have his backup economic system in place ready for the aftermath.


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