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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Jan. 20, 2015

IF YOU SHOULD HEAR that Putin was “taken by surprise” by the Washington-enabled coup in Ukraine, don’t believe it.

Do not cyberspace ‘experts’ and ‘advisers’ know that Russia has decades-long intelligence portals throughout Ukraine, especially in Kiev?

There is much misinfo passing itself off as fact such as the current falsification that Russia just cut off Ukraine’s gas supply and Europe is suffering for it.

Zero Hedge, Alex Jones, and even Global Research have taken an old Daily Mail 2009 article with its date erased regarding Putin’s so-called “cut off” of European gas piped through Ukraine and merged it with current information about Russia’s natural gas hub deal with Turkey for the Turkish Stream project.

True, the EU is now screaming foul about the current Gazprom notice that the South Stream project is now permanently defunct, unhappy with plans to shift the transit route to Turkey…but sudden cut offs? No.

And Putin, in a cool and collected busin