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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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A stunning report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) circulating in the Kremlin today states that European Union (EU) foreign diplomats were left in “total horror” this past week after being alerted by their Russian counterparts to the catastrophic effects upon the NATO Alliance due to a proposed Federation Council (FC) law outlawing the sale of energy supplies to any nation that is now/or has been engaged in Nazi-like torture of prisoners of war or its own citizens.

According to this report, the Federation Council (the upper house of the parliament of the Russian Federation) began the adoption of this new “Nazi Law” under orders given by President Putin after the United States refused to heed Russia’s 14 December warning of retaliation against the imposition of additional sanctions by President Obama’s signing of a new Russian sanctions law on 18 December.

The proposed new “Nazi Law” being written by the FC, this report continues, would specifically forbid the sale of Russian natural gas, oil, oil by-products (and other such natural resources of the Federation) to any nation, or military alliance of nations, that: 1.) Has failed to support the United Nations resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes; 2.) Has used Nazi torture techniques against POW’s and/or civilians; and 3.) Has conducted mass executions of unarmed civilians.

To the first count, MoFA experts in this report say, the United States, Canada, and Ukraine, would be subjected immediately to this new laws harshest provisions due to their being the only three nations in the world to vote against the United Nations 21 November resolution that condemned any form of denial of Nazi war crimes, including the Jewish Holocaust.

To the second count, these same experts say, the United States, UK, Australia, and 51 other Western allied nations would, likewise, be sanctioned due to their complicity in the torture of prisoners-of-war using methods utilized by the Nazis during World War II, and which this past week caused the New York Times editorial board to call upon the Obama regime to prosecute former Vice President Dick Cheney for his crimes against humanity for his masterminding of.

To the third count, these MoFA experts state, there exists “substantial evidence” to indict the United States and Ukraine for the mass execution of unarmed civilians in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which killed 239, and Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which killed 298.

The Council for Civil Society and Human Rights (CCSHR) appointed by President Putin to investigate the crimes involving both of these Malaysia Airlines disasters, the MoFA in this report states, has also received new evidence regarding these tragedies which include: 1.) Testimony and evidence from a Ukrainian officer stating that on the date of the shooting down of Malaysia Flight 17 one of his nations fighter jets landed after having fired its missiles with its pilot stating he had shot down the “wrong plane.; 2.) Two senior airline executives (Proteus Airlines CEO Marc Dugain and Emirates Airlines president and CEO Sir Tim Clark) publically stating that Malaysia Flight 370 was, likewise, shot down by the United States.

The most catastrophic effect of this “Nazi Law” being implemented, the MoFA in this report states it warned its EU counterparts about, would be the immediate cessation of natural gas flows to Europe which would, in effect, cripple them economically and subject their citizens to war-like rationing of heating supplies.

Important to note, this report continues, is that the MoFA had previously told the EU and US that their collective punishment” against the citizens of Crimea would not be accepted and would be responded to in kind.

Also to be noted, MoFA analysts in this report say, is that due to the Obama regimes creation of a permanent war zone” around the Federation, and the continued large-scale cyber espionage campaign against Russia, its government and businesses, only the harshest of penalties can even been considered against such a lawless and rogue nation the United States has become.

Critical to note too is that when this MoFA report is combined with last weeks Ministry of Economic Development (MED) report outlining Putin’s “Samson Defense” strategy to collapse both the US and EU economies, China this week aligned itself with Russia against the Obama regime and its allies in an economic war many experts are predicting could soon erupt into total global warfare.

And as to what the Obama regimes “grand strategy” toward Russia really is, this report queries, no one seems to really know, including the esteemed international award winning journalist Patrick Smith, who in writing this week about the catastrophic fallout occurring in the EU due to Obama’s policies stunningly wrote that the information he received from Washington D.C. insiders stated that these “Obama Kidiots” are “making it up as they go along.”

And on the road where “lunacy meets sheer audacity”, this report concludes, the West is also now crying that they need more money to counter Russia’s news services…which, mind you, have a budget of $120 million…compared to the BBC’s $370 million and Obama regimes staggering $716 million these nations spend on spreading their propaganda around the world. 

As to how much more money the West really needs before their lies are believed is anyone guess, Russia seems to do just fine by telling the truth. 

December 23, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]