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Peter Koenig

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FW:  Nov. 29, 2014

(Nov. 20, 2014)

The new Axis of Evil – The Anglo-Saxons threesome, US, UK, Australia, plus Japan – have accused Vladimir Putin of aggressions in Ukraine, threatening with new sanctions – the usual déjà vu jumbo-tango, no substance whatsoever. But the media repeat it at nauseatum – much of the world believes it. Much of the world isn’t even interested in knowing the truth. It’s a lie lodged deep under the skin of the comfort zone of the average western European and US citizen.

Mr. Putin is marginalized at the G20 summit in Brisbane Australia. Washington’s European vassals are afraid to even get close to the Russian President – it could be ill-seen by Master Obama. Madame Merkel had a brief private conversation with Mr. Putin – the supplier of 30% of Germany’s energy. Then, she went on castigating him in public for interfering in Ukraine’s democracy. What planet is she from? The others dare aping her critique – after all she represents the strongest nation in Europe – the strongest spineless puppet.

The Kremlin is again blamed for having shot down Malaysian flight MH17 over Ukraine – by world leaders who know very well that they are lying. They cannot have ignored the appalling conclusion of the analysis by the German pilot and airline expert, Peter Haisenko, that MH17 could not have been brought down by a surface-to-air missile, but rather by gunfire of an Ukraine military aircraft, type SU-25, as indicated by shrapnel holes in the cockpit (Global Research July 30, 2014). A plane fitting the description of an SU-25 was spotted near the MH17 by Russian and Kiev airport controllers. Several eyewitnesses on the ground in the conflict zone saw at least one fighter plane approaching the Malaysian airliner, as reported by BBC (though the report was later withdrawn – in an act of BBC self-censuring).

Peter Haisenko’s findings were subsequently also confirmed by OSCE analysts. Sadly, the black box that could have further enhanced the analysis is in the hands of the neoliberal Dutch government which in connivance with the White House and to the humiliation of the families of the almost 300 gruesomely murdered passengers of MH17 will not divulge the truth.

What is this all about? Child’s play? – The G20, an informal group of self-styled and self-loving arrogant ‘world leaders’ of the so-called 20 Great Economies, meet regularly to pretend deciding the future of the globe. A group dominated by Washington and its neoliberal mostly Anglos-Saxon and European vassals. What they talk about, promise to the world or threaten the world with, has absolutely no legal binding. As long as other nations go along – these decisions and intimidations gain strength. Those who are not playing along are subject to regime change.

Those ‘too big to obey’ – not succumbing to the rules of the Anglo-Saxon game plan – will be shunned, like Mr. Putin and to a lesser extent China’s President Xi Jinping – shunned by Washington – and, of course, by its lackeys. China enjoys still some clout that Russia is missing thanks to her sheer population and economic strength. China has bypassed the US in terms of GDP earlier this year, as the world’s number one economy. Nevertheless, under his self-declared ‘pivot to Asia’, Obama is not missing an opportunity to harass and humiliate China, from the new military base in Darwin, Australia, to the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) treaty, a Free Trade Agreement, under which Obama wants to exclude China, to a huge US navy presence in the South China Sea which will supposedly increase from the current 50% to 65% of the total US navy fleet by 2015.

The G20 are playing dangerous games. Fortunately, Mr. Putin is a great diplomat. He doesn’t fall into the trap.

Imagine – at the next G20 summit the unaligned among them, at least a handful of nations, simply don’t show up. They would go into opposition, so to speak; declaring a silent absenteeism – representing the wordless peoples of the world. What a powerful message that would send around the globe!

Vladimir Putin eventually left the G20 summit before it ended – a 17 hour trip home, “I have to work on Monday – no worries, my Finance Minister will attend the final dinner” – and off he went. He was coming home as a hero, applauded for showing the G20 his brave statesmanship, as compared to the spineless lot of EU minions.

Now imagine a possible alternative. Mr. Putin, instead of walking out straight, takes center stage, responding to these senseless lies and accusations about Ukraine by publicly divulging the facts.

“Ladies and Gentlemen – our common interest should be the truth – disseminating the truth as best we know it, and we have the best intelligence to provide us with the facts. Instead, western media are full with self-serving lies and propaganda. The latest target is Russia. There is the downing of the Malaysian MH17 plane, the so called annexation of Crimea – and foremost Ukraine. On the MH17, there is plenty of evidence, even acknowledged by OSCE that the plane has not been shot down by Russia, nor by Russia-sympathizers in Novorossiya; that the plane was not hit by a surface-to-air missile, but was most-likely sprayed by gunfire from a Kiev air force plane of the type SU-25, therefore clearly pointing to the Poroshenko Government. As far as Crimea is concerned – just read up on Russian history. This peninsula was part of Russia for at least the last 350 years. Crimea’s population, about 90% of Russian origin, has overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the Russian Federation. The Kremlin has merely accepted their vote.”

Vladimir Putin went on to talk about Ukraine, a country that also had hundreds of years of Russian history. It is so rich in natural resources and agriculture that throughout the Soviet Union it was considered the breadbasket of Russia. Most Ukrainians have still close ties to Russia. –

“You can imagine, ladies and gentlemen, Ukraine has closer links to Russia than have Mexico and Canada to the United States. So, how would it feel, Mr. Obama, if Russia were to initiate anti-Washington propaganda and unrest in these two nations? – Nevertheless, you know this very well, Mr. Obama, your Government with the help of the EU and NATO has orchestrated the coup of a democratically elected president of Ukraine on 22 February this year.”

The Russian leader reminded the audience of Madame Nuland’s overheard telephone conversation with the US Ambassador in Kiev, boasting of the more than 5 billion dollars invested in Ukrainian Regime change, even talking about the new heads of government they were going to put in place. A statement she later repeated to the Washington Press Club.

“The reasons for taking over Ukraine” – Mr. Putin continued – “as we know, are many – the country’s richness in natural resources, agricultural potential, US oil giants eager to frack for gas – and foremost, bringing yet a new NATO base at Moscow’s doorstep. – You, Mr. Obama, are the first one to understand Russia’s discontent, since you would not like to see Russia setting up military bases in Mexico, or anywhere in the Caribbean. – Why do you claim exceptionalism for the United States of America?”

“Yet, Russia has not stopped your Kiev adventure, Mr. President, other than providing the savagely besieged Donbass population with humanitarian aid, while your intelligence and NATO forces are supporting the Kiev army with weapons and strategic advice. – Do you know, Mr. Obama that Mr. Poroshenko’s troops, whose predecessors fought for Hitler, today strengthened by NATO, are viciously torturing and killing the pro-Russian east-Ukrainian population? That since the beginning of the conflict way more than 4,000 people, including women and children have been killed and more than 1.2 million people have fled to Russia? – Wouldn’t a Russian military intervention be a natural reaction to stop this western supported bloody civil war? – Of course, it would. And you Mr. Obama – all of you in this room know it, but are unwilling to admit it. – Well, I make it easier for you, by giving you once more the facts.”

With a pause of silence, Mr. Putin let his last words sink in.

“And one more thing the G20, Masters of the Universe, should know – Ukraine is just a peon on a square of a much larger chess game – a war game that has become unavoidable for the United States as wars are highly profitable – and – today the US economy depends on them – a war game that strives for Full Spectrum Dominance, as your generals, Mr. Obama, like to call it. They will not shy from killing millions to reach their goal, Washington’s goal – a One World Order, controlling the world’s resources, the world’s nations, their people – and their economies. We the G20 minus one, plus the voiceless billions, have the power to stop this hegemonic bloodletting. But we must be bold and dare to stand up for our collective rights.”

“Thank you for listening.”

With these last words, Mr. Putin left the audience in awe. He rushed out to the airport to fly home – where he has work to do.

The media representatives were in a state of shock, scurrying from left to right – speechless and hapless. They didn’t know what to do. Are we allowed to tell the world the truth? Can the powers controlling us castigate and even reject us? – Didn’t this public statement of a G20 world leader free us from the shackles of western power?

This fictitious scenario could really have happened. Why didn’t it? – And how might it have changed the world order?

Peter Koenig is an economist and former World Bank staff. He worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, the Voice of Russia, now Ria Novosti, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe.