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Cartoons & Pictures So Sheeple Get It

Karl W.B. Schwarz

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June 26, 2014

Since education attainment levels have dropped like a rock to the point US businesses have to write job descriptions and employee instruction manuals at 6th to 8th grade (12-14 year old) levels, pictures might help get some Americans to understand USA history.

Americans cannot profess to be photo op experts on the rest of the world (and cannot find many nations on a map) when they have not one damned clue about the history of their own nation.

This is what George W. Bush wants Americans to think he is as his presidential legacy. If you think he was out defending America, then shame on you. The instructions to attack Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iran all originated within 30 days after September 11, 2001.

The correct words are political agenda for oil, natural gas, pipelines, military supremacy, and are not synonymous with defending America.