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Jim Stone, Freelance.

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June 22, 2014

Mexico a lawless place?


I received several mails about Mexico from various people and am just going to blanket comment back, because this web site is not about Mexico, the same way it is not about 911 or any other totally central theme.


First of all, Mexico is NOT lawless. The law enforcement is highly visible and little used. This is because no one ever seems to do anything wrong, and the police are not tasked with a quota they use to trump up all manner of false accusation the same way they do in America. If you mind your own business, a cop is not going to butt into your life with a piece of paper claiming you violated some form of statute.


I would not try stealing from a store in Mexico. There are enough police so that all a store owner would need to do is shout and your butt would be fried. You can on infrequent occasion see cops arrest crack head looking dudes. Additionally, (here is something interesting) I have seen on more than one occasion where the police will walk someone all the way home to their door if they are drunk to make sure they get home safe. No ticket. So what really happens in Mexico is the police doing their jobs as protectors rather than as a nuisance.


Mexico City is a little bit different story, there the police are so numerous that they get bored and that causes a problem on occasion for average people. And they really like to bother motorcycles . . . . .


I offended a Mexican with my comments about the immigrants


My response: Too bad. I am right. I have seen what is on both sides of the fence, and you cannot say both groups are the same. True, 90 percent of the illegal immigrants are not criminals. What about the other 10 percent? That number is way too high, you cannot have even 1 percent of any society consist of even petty criminals or the 99 percent will not be able to cope. Bad starts when you have more than 1 in 250 being a thief. Consider this. Let's say you live in a town of 3,000 which is small. If there was 1 thief in 250 people in that town, there would be 15 thieves running around in a small town. That would wreck the town. Bottom line? Even if most illegals are not criminals per se, that still does not cut it. You cannot have 1 in 10 be a thief or other sort of criminal in any group numbering in the multiple millions and then keep wherever they went to liveable for law abiding people.


I have received multiple mails about Mexican gangs, claiming I am full of it when I say Mexico is now decent.

My answer? Stop believing the lies told by paid shills, and parroting by idiots. Switch OFF CNN and get out and see the world. I was really worried about coming down to Mexico myself because I was subjected to the same propaganda. But right now, America is at least 10X as dangerous on average as Mexico, that is NOT an exaggeration. Having Americans be totally ignorant about the rest of the world is KEY to keeping Americans in line and in support of their government, if Americans realized how far America has fallen and how far Mexico has come up, the real immigration problem would be in Mexico. Many many Mexicans are returning to Mexico after discovering just how crappy America has become. Those who do not are more often than not sucking welfare.


And, There are bad places in Mexico. Just like there are bad towns in the U.S., my list? Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo, the outskirts of Acapulco, portions of the state of Guerro, and a small bad section in the North West corner of the state of Michoacan. And none of those places even rate as places in Mexico, even Mexicans do not go there. They all say stay out of Tijuana. You cannot assess Mexico badly just because Tijuana is crap. What about Detroit?


Anonymous wrote:


I want to comment on your article about Mexico, if you will post it on your web site is okay just don't say my name.


I was thinking about moving to America.


I have a lot of gringo friends and I know some warm people who were nice to me and helped me when I was there. I notice many Americans are really serious, the way they talk and facial expressions are too cold and not showing affection, it is like they are not there, like if they are drugged all the time. Maybe México is not a first class country but by experience I noticed Mexicans are happier, show affection, family union, their appearance is a lot different, like more bright.


When I was in L.A. I was getting an apprenticeship at a small high class level school, very selective school which was supposed to have the best of the best education and materials for the kids. (editors insert, this school was for the Hollywood stars in Beverly Hills)


Here in México I work for an upper class school and let me tell you that my school in Mexico is a far superior to what I saw after being there in America, starting with the teachers who are really committed to the improvement of their kids, the quality of the building and the materials in Mexico are superior, actually the contents of what we teach is a lot better. We have a review department as part of the services from the school, which takes all the kids who get less than 80% on the scores from the exams and we review each subject they flunked and make sure the kids get it. We have another department for the kids and personnel that need help and to teach the misbehaving kids to have values and morals. All the personnel are always smiling, we get training every week and every month, depends our roll in the school. We have tutoring for our kids at the evenings. We have Spanish and English reading programs to inculcate the love for reading and culture on our kids.


When I went to America, at first I thought I would find something different and on a higher level, but did not. After going to the US many times I have to say that I like America a lot but México has a lot of good things too and is a really beautiful country.


My comment


From the mails I have received, no one will believe a high class school in Mexico will exceed a custom private school in Beverly Hills. But some of these schools in Mexico are absolutely GREAT, despite the fact that Americans will have a hard time accepting that. At one such school, American teachers who came down to Mexico got fired because they did not produce good enough results. I know that story first hand.