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Jlune 16, 2014

Bolivia takes work organization to assume the presidency of the G77 – instance consists of 133 countries of the 193 member states of the United Nations over China – from January 2014 , reported the Amazonian Andean country ‘s ambassador to the UN, Sacha Llorenti .

“Next year issues such as sustainable development , the development agenda post 15 that will define what will make the United Nations the next decade and a half in terms of development will be discussed ,” said the diplomat in an interview with the media state press.

According to the Bolivian diplomat, the presidency of the G77 and China is recognition of the global leadership of indigenous president Evo Morales , who has undoubtedly been a key factor in solving many important issues .

“They are big changes and transformations in Bolivia to eradicate extreme poverty , with important programs like My Water theme telecommunications, and so on. All these factors are highlighted to elect Bolivia ,” he said .

He confirmed that from January preside Bolivia these 133 countries and will meet , will direct its deliberations and will guide to reach agreements on various topics.

“Once a decision is reached on an issue , then Bolivia will take the voice of these 133 countries to negotiate with developing countries ,” he added .

According to the explanation of Llorenti , one of the issues to be prioritized has to do with climate change.

” We have several meetings today to get to the Conference of Parties of the Convention in Lima , which will be in late 2014. Entire preparatory phase will lead Bolivia with its G77 presidency .

“We have the objectives of sustainable development , which is another very important issue , which will be the continuation of the Millennium Development Goals ,” he said .

He also stressed that Bolivia met many goals ahead of the Millennium Development Goals, in terms of poverty reduction , in terms of water and many other issues of social and economic.

On November 7 , at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Bolivia was unanimously elected to chair in 2014 the Group 77 and China.

This is a platform for countries in Africa , Asia and Latin America, created in June 1964 at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD ) in Geneva .

Initially consisted of 77 developing countries , and currently brings together 133 nations of the south.

It brings together two thirds of countries in the UN and concentrated to 60% of the world population .

The goal of the G -77 is the coordination and mutual support in deliberations on stage United Nations on issues such as trade , food, agriculture , energy, finance , monetary issues and climate change, among others.

Traduction by Google Translator