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  • Jun 11, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    9 June, 17:40

    Destabilization of Ukraine used as pretext to move NATO closer to Russian borders

    NATO armed forced are working on their saber strike. Saber Strike 2014 military exercise has begun in Latvia.

    Officially, Brussels is testing “the interoperability of military units of the Alliance members”. However, analysts are confident that the NATO activity near Russian borders is the continuation of the political game started in Ukraine that appears logical to the West.

    Over a thousand foreign servicemen have arrived at the Latvian Training Range Adazi to take part in the Saber Strike-2014 exercise. That group includes units of the armies of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, the USA, UK, Finland and Norway. Armored equipment will be delivered from Denmark.

    The officially declared purpose of the exercise is to perfect the skills of participation in international operations, including those in Afghanistan, the cooperation of land and air forces and the interoperability of the military units of the NATO allies.

    That exercise is a pre-planned annual event. But this time the USA almost a month prior to the training sent to each Baltic country as well as Poland 150 marines. Reportedly, the Baltic capitals and Warsaw asked Washington for that – they supposedly were scared by the situation in Ukraine and the ‘unpredictable Russia’.

    Some of Latvia’s opposition politicians have warned that the presence of foreign troops on Latvian territory could negatively affect the stability in the region. But the White House authorities are not impressed by such arguments – they have a plan of their own. According to that plan, they have also brought two strategic bombers to Europe. B-2 aircraft have arrived at Fairford, the Royal Air Force in Gloucestershire, from the US Air Force base in Missouri. A team of three B-52s waited for them there. By the way, all these airplanes are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Thus, apparently it is going to be a serious exercise. All the actions of the American strategists fit a simple two-step scheme – first destabilize Ukraine, which is then used as a pretext to move the Alliance closer to the Russian borders.

    The talks of the Western politicians and mass media about “Russia annexing Crimea”, about Moscow provoking the events in the Southeast of Ukraine are not very convincing to anybody. Everybody has long been convinced that the crisis in Ukraine is a part of the Western project aimed as a ram against Russia, points out Semen Bagdasarov, a political analyst.

    “The essence of the geopolitical project was in getting under control the entire territory of Ukraine, including Crimea. Naturally, the deep-water base in Sevastopol presented a special interest. In addition, Ukraine has fairly sizeable resources. The use of those resources against Russia’s interests was attractive. In the future the West does not conceal that it wants to break down Russia”.

    According to the expert, the West has consistently tried to get into Ukraine seeing a powerful launching platform for its anti-Russian activity. After taking down Yanukovich and coming to power of pro-American forces, Washington planned to denounce the Kharkov agreement on the Black Sea Fleet and thus force Russia to leave Crimea. But it happened in a completely different way.

    According to some experts, one should not discount the possibility of deploying NATO military bases on Ukraine’s territory. The USA has long dreamt of getting that close to the Russian borders. At the same time, it gets a chance to accuse Moscow of stepping on NATO territory. Ukraine is a just a pawn in the game against Russia, thinks Alexander Kofman, head of the Secretariat of the Coordination Committee of the Southeast Movement.

    “Ukraine is exclusively a pawn in the geopolitical game against Russia. I think everybody has understood that and nobody has any questions left about that. It is a hostage of those interests that the Western world is betting on right now. That includes either Western military presence on that territory or pulling Russia into a serious conflict with Europe, which America would strongly benefit from”.

    According to Kofman, if right now Ukraine fails to cope with the deeply rooted fascism, the probability of future deployment of NATO bases on its territory is very high. On the territory of Southeast shale gas will be developed thus turning that land into a desert. That is the future that the militiamen are currently fighting against.

    As far as the current military activity at the Russian borders goes, the words of the NATO Secretary General can explain it. According to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Alliance is getting prepared for a new style of war that the Russian side is engaged in. In his opinion, Russia has shown its aggressive attitude towards Ukraine by greatly increasing its military presence at the bordering territories Actually, Moscow is not engaged in a war against anybody. But it will continue its “self-confident’ policy. Thus, NATO will have to get used to that and adjust accordingly.

    Igor Siletsky

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