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What is going on in Nigeria? What is the true agenda?

The Unhived Mind

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  • May 27, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Peace James

    Hope all is well your side of the globe.

    This whole Nigeria/Boko Haram thing has really caught my attention, for obvious reasons I suppose. I must admit I never really paid any attention to the happenings in Africa [sometimes seems like the wild wild west], but whose attention wont be grabbed by 200+ girls, no less, being kidnapped by “savages”. The world has obviously been “dulled” by all the killings to such an extent that a more passionate crime was need to lull them into paying attention.

    So I started looking into it the only way “the average Joe” can, by Duckduckgo ‘ing [Google no longer holds the promise of a better world like it used to back in the day] info on Boko Haram and Nigeria. Now I have no inkling on the reliability of the sources of information like WikiPedia, WikiLeaks etc. [is there a sure fire way of spotting the "half-truthers" out there?] and certain things caught my attention.

    The one is the name, Boko Haram, which somehow translates into half a dozen variants of “Western Education is sinful” [a bit cliché'e if you ask me, but it obviously pushes the right buttons], although the “locals” admit to not truly understanding the meaning thereof. Maybe because a “non-local” came up with it? The other thing was that they, under the “rule” of their previous leader, seemed rather “harmless” until his untimely demise. His successor seems to really have taken things up a notch or two. Maybe more money and better handlers?

    “Islamists” really has become the catch phrase of the day, so immediately awakens my curiosity, but nothing hits it home like being linked to Al-Qaeda. Nothing rallies the “troops” like those two phrases. The final stake of course is a simple little line that speaks volumes “Nigeria is considered to be an Emerging market by the World Bank”.

    Now logic tells me that “they” want a proper foothold in Africa, and seeing as we are part of BRICS [which I never knew of till I saw it on your site, thanks *thumbs up*] and won’t be part of their gang [hopefully], they need another strong country. One rife with corruption and in dire need of saving, oh wait, that could be most countries in Africa, right, but not all are made equal when it comes to natural resources …

    Now this all being said and done, it’s only my own opinion and speculation. How does one confirm/factualize something on this scale? This all leads to another question/scenario, if something like this was happening in your own country [albeit on a smaller scale] how would you be able to tell? My first thought would be, follow the money, that is what it’s all about isn’t it, but how?

    I’m not planning on starting a newspaper or anything, just wondering. Information really is the new gold of the world, but seeing as it does not sparkle under light, how does one tell the good from the bad?



    My response:

    I have a few things to say about Nigeria. I am confident it is a lawless pit run by zionists and is a defacto proxy of Israel. Want to know why?

    Because all the internet scams originate in Nigeria. All the FAKE “I need to send you five million dollar” mails come from Nigeria and “Muslims”, and make Muslims look horrible. Yet the CIA and NSA could shut ALL OF IT DOWN INSTANTLY and they do not. That leads to the question then, WHO is running the show, and WHO could get away with it? There is only one answer – the Jewish community, which owns and runs the NSA and CIA.

    And with Boko Haram we have yet another back stab against Muslims. The Persians and Egyptians prove that Western education itself is not a problem, and Western education is actually a product of what is now Iran. All the methods came from Iran. So it’s not education per se that is even the issue, perhaps more so it is the use of education to peddle distorted “truths”. Fat chance we have received any hard fact about what is really going on with Boko Haram.

    Anyone with a lick of sense (and that’s surprisingly few people nowadays) knows full well that Al Quaida is run by the CIA and Mossad, both completely zionist dominated or owned institutions. So with anything that goes on now that makes “Muslims” look bad, it all boils down to zionist/globalist/financial roots, Muslims themselves pretty much sit there quietly all the time.

    I had a discussion (today of all times) about why the zionist front hates Islam so much and wants it destroyed. And I had a pretty clear answer – a simple one – and it is that when Muslim countries are being run properly, they forbid usury which is the key tool of enslavement used by the Jewish run banking communities. Just look at the Federal Reserve, and how it functions – through usury they successfully turned America into the world’s most enormous pool of slaves, with everyone buried under mountains of debt including the nation itself. If the dollar was not the world’s reserve currency, America would now under the enormous debt burden put in place by usury shrivel like a raisin and fall off the vine. And because usury is a way to make free people believe they are free while they are actually enslaved, if you shut off the means of putting usury in place, the zionist front will freak out. THAT is the real reason behind why they hate Iran so much.

    Now, I am actually appalled by the word “Islamist” because it takes almost an entire half of the globe and makes them an “ist” such as “terrorist”, “extortionist” “hedonist” “egotist”, in other words, it changes a noun “Islam” into an action with negative connotations. It steals their rightful identity while diminishing their legitimacy. But will we ever see reality – the word JEWIST? Hell no, the Jews have no problems saying “Islamist” but would pop an aneurism if anyone ever said “Jewist” which is actually far closer to the truth than the word “Islamist” would ever be.

    Aside from this, I really have not paid enough attention to Nigeria proper to really know why the World Bank would want an inroad there, other than my first comment above, it is OBVIOUSLY under strong Jewish control already, as evidenced by the number of Muslim backstabbing scams that originate there, scams that cannot ever exist unless someone at the top wants them to.

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 27, 2014 at 6:34 am

    I believe the nefarious New Venice Empire (Britain) and the Georgetown University Jesuits are now after Nigeria to make sure it cannot start oil for Yuan payment requests. If they do accept Yuan payments then the U.S dollar aka petrodollar is even deeper in the garbage can. So I would expect any excuse for U.S troops to be sent into Nigeria under the guise of the war on terror. This will simply be to hinder the BRICS gold bank plans for the full de-dollarization of the world’s energy supplies. Think about it! Now U.S troops are in Chad which neighbors Nigeria. Al-Qaeda is a front for the Senior Executive Service which created the organization using the Carl M. Marcy family in Chicago through the U.S Small Business Administrations 8(a) program.

    -= The Unhived Mind