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U.S.not Russia, 'betraying' world

The Unhived Mind

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  • May 25, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    US, not Russia, ‘betraying’ world

    Sun May 25, 2014 12:0AM GMT

    An American retired professor has blamed the United States for Ukraine’s ongoing political crisis, saying Washington started a game in that country hoping to establish a pro-American government there, but it failed.

    It is the United States “betraying the world and international law rather than Russians,” said James Henry Fetzer, the Madison-based editor of Veterans Today, in a phone interview with Press TV.

    President Barack Obama and the State Department are responsible for “this mess” in Ukraine, he said.

    “The situation in Ukraine is the result of the failure of Washington to take over the [Ukrainian] government. It was done in a very clumsy fashion. So now, Washington is doing its best to shift the blame onto [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.”

    Obama accuses Moscow of interfering in Ukraine affairs. Putin on Friday pushed back the accusation, saying “Who is he to judge?”

    He said Ukraine was in a “civil war” following a “state coup” against former President Viktor Yanukovych “with support of the West, the United States.”

    Speaking to business leaders at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, he added that the world should not be dominated by one power, as the United States’ “unipolar” vision of the world has failed.

    Earlier this week, US Vice President Joe Biden promised more economic sanctions against Moscow if it interferes in Ukraine’s upcoming elections.

    The European Union and the US have already imposed sanctions on a number of individuals in Russia.

    Putin warned that further sanctions would have a boomerang effect.