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  • May 21, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Prince Charles ‘compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler’

    The Prince of Wales reportedly tells woman who had lost relatives in the Holocaust that the Russian President is “doing just about the same as Hitler” in Ukraine

    By Keith Perry11:23PM BST 20 May 2014

    In an unguarded comment about the Russian President’s actions in the Ukraine, the Prince of Wales told a woman who had lost relatives in the Nazi Holocaust: “And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler,” the Daily Mail reported.

    The Prince’s comment could potentially be seen as criticism of the West for failing to confront Mr Putin over his seizure of Crimea. The annexation was a first by a major power in Europe since 1945.

    Commentators have likened Russia’s handing of the Ukraine crisis to Hitler’s takeovers of Poland and Czechoslovakia and have criticised Mr Putin’s use of special forces in disguise to stir up tension in disputed areas.

    The Prince of Wales, who is due to meet Mr Putin at the D-Day commemorations in France on June 6, made his well-intentioned but unguarded comment during a visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Mail said.

    The prince is on a tour of Canada with the Duchess of Cornwall – they have 41 engagements in just three and a half days.

    On Tuesday night Clarence House sources said the Prince of Wales had a private conversation with a woman who had lost relatives in the Holocaust.

    “It was a private, empathetic, conversation with a lady who had lost family members in the Holocaust,” the source said.

    On Monday, the pair paid tribute to Second World War veterans and their families at the museum in Halifax’s docks.

    Prince Charles was introduced to Marienne Ferguson, a museum volunteer who fled to Canada with her Jewish family when she was just 13.

    Mrs Ferguson, 78, was born in what is now the Polish city of Gdansk. A free city under the terms of the Versailles Treaty after the end of the Great War, it was seized by the Nazis on the first day of fighting in 1939.

    Mrs Ferguson and her parents, two sisters and grandmother had managed to obtain permits to sail to Canada. But other members of her family failed to escape and were captured by the German forces.

    They were sent to Nazi camps where they met their deaths along with an estimated six hundred Jews from the city,

    Mrs Ferguson told her story to Prince Charles as she showed him the museum’s exhibits.

    At the end of the visit, and surrounded by media, Prince Charles made his comment about the situation in Ukraine, the Mail said.

    It was heard by several witnesses. Mother-of-three Mrs Ferguson said: “I had finished showing him the exhibit and talked with him about my own family background and how I came to Canada.

    “The prince then said ‘And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler’.

    “I must say that I agree with him and am sure a lot of people do. I was very surprised that he made the comment as I know they [members of the Royal Family] aren’t meant to say these things but it was very heartfelt and honest.

    “I told the prince that while my family and I were lucky to get a permit to travel, many of my other relatives had permits but were unable to get out before war broke out on September 1. They were sent to the concentration camps and died.”

    It is unusual for a senior royal to express an opinion on sensitive political issues as they are supposed to remain politically neutral.

    A spokesman for Clarence House said last night they would not comment on a private conversation.

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 21, 2014 at 1:30 am

    Prince Charles attacks the great Vladimir Putin because the Russian President is about to destroy New Venice’s monetary dictatorship system. Putin is about to destroy the Federal Reserve that is dominated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. This Bank of Richmond has a connection to the Bowles family of which the wife of Prince Charles, Camillia Parker Bowles comes from. Charles will ignore how his mother protects Tony Blair through her Royal Prerogative over his vile attack on Iraq in 2003 again to protect the petrodollar! Charles attacks Putin but ignores he and his father’s assassination of Princess Diana the mother of his children. Charles also ignores his own father’s connection to the Nazis. Charles ignores how Hitler stayed in Liverpool and was a British agent all along. Charles ignores how New Venice’s City of London and Wall Street funded and supplied fuel (Rockefeller) and Ammunition to Adolf Hitler which helped him continue for an extra four years.

    Charles ignores how New Venice has been using nazi continuums to attack the legitimate government of Ukraine as well as its civilian populace as in Maidan and Odessa. Charles ignores the Agreement signed by Leo Wanta and Ronald Reagan with Russia because it is not in his new interests to stand by this agreement.

    Charles ignores how he, his father and brother, Prince Andrew were the real controllers of the 9/11 attacks using the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators under the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath to plan the attacks and then use Bombardier Master Trust and the Royal Canadian Air Force to execute the air attacks. I also believe the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights were involved in the missile attack on the Pentagon on 9/11. Now please study who heads the Shipwrights and the Order of the Bath and you will find it is none other than Prince Charles. The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators has since been upgraded by Queen Elizabeth II (a nefarious Venerian Guelph descendant) and is now known as The Honourable Company of Air Pilots which is run by Grandmaster Prince Andrew of all people.

    So we have this parasitic royal family creating the events of 9/11 as a false-flag in order to invade and steal nations and resources as well as build their world government. These attacks on the United States would then be used (Project for a New American Century) by New Venice by proxy through their covert colony of the United States dominated from Wall Street and of course Richmond, Virginia. We could go on and on about this vile verbal attack on the great Vladimir Putin but if you do your own research you will soon see who is the real covert aggressor and enslaver of mankind. I strongly urge you all to get behind Vladimir Putin and expose the war crimes. When Vladimir protects the Russian Orthodox Church and its teachings he protects it, unlike Queen Elizabeth II who allows the destruction of the Anglican Church and also threatens anyone exposing internal Church paedophilia under the Crimen Sollicitationis and not to mention the coming merger of the Anglican and Catholic Churches under the Holyrood Agreement.

    -= The Unhived Mind