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  • May 14, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    May 13 2014

    Brics may spell the end of American military superiority

    Recommended reading for those who want a real understanding to what is going on in Ukraine. I have known about BRICS for quite some time, and even reported on it before, but this particular report is a real eye opener.

    I don’t have time to summarize all this into one report, but in short, what is happening in Ukraine is actually an outcropping of the elite effort to maintain the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. These reports are good ones, if you want to understand it all, read up.


    Here we have it expanding to 80 nations. Right now, as a base of world population, BRICS has 65 percent.

    Link to Jpost removed because the malware warning is real. Jpost claims BRICS now has a combined GDP of 16.309 trillion, but the world bank says the real financial power level due to various factors is right around 68 percent of the world economy, and 90 percent of the world’s population. Factor that into a world economy of $90 trillion dollars annually to get the real number BRICS represents, which would be right around 60 trillion.

    In short, if you want the real truth about Ukraine, it is in Brics. I am sure the bankers believe that if they take down Russia, the whole thing will fail. Forget Japan on the world stage for anything other than Toyotas and Walkmans, the real power brokers are Amerisrael, China and Russia. Those are the nations that matter. So it would be natural then for Russia to be attacked and destabilized by the bankers if U.S. dollar hegemony is to be maintained, I sort of slipped on the topic of BRICS, it is obviously what is behind everything going on right now

    With a real unemployment rate near 50 percent in America, and 45 million people now on food stamps, and with practically ALL of America’s manufacturing (sans the war machine) exported to China, it is now obvious that America can’t stay on top and fund it all without the cash flow provided by the petrodollar. Take that away, and America’s war machine will go kaput. So as far as the bankers can see, it’s use it or lose it, Brics may well spell their doom if they fail to. It is the bankers fear of BRICS that will cause World War 3.

    Here are some more great links on this topic:

    I know many of my readers do not like Ben Fulford, but he did a good job on this one once you read past the fluff –

    Ben links to a report by the World Bank that took me 20 minutes of going over to figure out that his claims were for real, it’s a complex report that lays it all out without directly telling you the hard truth – the dollar has approximately 16 percent of the world economy backing it, and BRICS has approximately 65 percent of the world economy backing it. It really leaves one to wonder how on earth the FED has held on for so long, I guess the fear the American war machine has put on the world has done a lot to keep the dollar in place. Scroll down in that report to get to the graphs, stare, and think. You will see why I check up on Ben from time to time.

    Here is why the U.S. is running Blackwater in Ukraine

    Here is a really nice Brics link page on The Voice of Russia

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 14, 2014 at 4:02 am

    Benjamin Fulford – May 12, 2014: Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabal

    There is lots of chatter in e-mails, blogs, and direct news sources indicating that some sort of take-down of the Zionist/Nazi cabal is under way. At the same time, there are many signs in the so-called mainstream news that the United States corporate government is isolated. “(US Defense Secretary Chuck) Hagel, (US Secretary of State John) Kerry and (former US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice have become international pariahs,” is how an MI5 source described the situation.

    One clear indication is that German and other non-US newspapers are reporting that Blackwater/Academi/Greystone mercenaries have been murdering people in the Ukraine.

    The French, meanwhile, are still building warships for the Russians, despite the big Ukraine Nazi propaganda campaign. This proves the Europeans have completely rejected the latest Nazi scheme to start world war III.

    The mathematics of the world power balance are now indisputably in favor of the BRICS alliance. The BRICS alliance now controls 90% of the world’s population and 68% of its GDP, according to the latest World Bank and other data.

    With the Europeans now entering the BRICS camp, the United States Zionist authorities have no choice but to surrender.

    The main reason for a delay in long anticipated announcements of what is to come next is the lack of a consensus about what will replace the old control grid.

    There are intensive ongoing discussions about this going on now and this is what is being said by the various parties.

    First of all, the old G7 group made a big move to try to replace the US dollar with the SDR, consisting of a basket of the US dollar, the British Pound, the Euro and the Japanese yen. The move came in the form of an announcement from the IMF that it would loan 10.976 billion SDRs (US$17 billion) to Ukraine