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Michael Savant

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FW:  March 24, 2014

With the appointment by the new "government" of oligarchs to key positions

throughout the country, the motivation for the coup becomes a lot clearer. The

oligarchs in Ukraine got their paws on the loot just like their comrades did in

Russia. With funds provided by "international bankers" (nudge, wink), these

vultures bought for buttons all major enterprises previously owned by the

state. In fact they acquired entire sectors of the newly "privatised" national



When reading the following, bear in mind that, according to the 2001

Ukrainian census, there are only 103,000 Jews in Ukraine, which is 0.2% of

the total population.

Now who are these "Ukrainian" oligarchs?





Ihor Kolomoyskyi, just appointed as the new governor of Dnepropetrovsk, is a

dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizen who controls his business empire from

Switzerland. He is the third richest person in Ukraine and according to Forbes  

the 377th richest in the world. His main assets are in banking and aviation,

and, inevitably, he owns  a high profile football club, presumably to gain some

street cred with the hoi polloi.  Interestingly, since 2010 rumors were

circulating that Kolomoiskyi assets were coming under pressure from the






Sergey Taruta, the new governor of Donetsk Region, is estimated to be worth

around $2 billion, putting him among the top-10 wealthiest people in Ukraine.

He heads ISD, one of the biggest mining and smelting companies in the world,

and also own Donetsk-based Metallurg Football Club. I'm unable to

definitively determine his ethnicity, but based on his looks, the way he got his

money and the company he keeps, I can make a reasonable guess.


Victor Pinchuk is the son-in-law of former President Leonid Kuchma

(Kuchma gained office through the prodigious efforts of one George Soros.)

Pinchuk is the owner of several oil, gas and energy import/export companies.

He also owns the nation's largest steel mill and a chain of banks. His group has

very strong ties with other Jewish organisations in Ukraine, as well as in the   

U.S. and Israel. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament and one of the

leaders of the Ukrainian Labour Party (sic).


Vadim Rabinovich is a citizen of Israel. In 1980 he was charged in Ukraine

with stealing state property and spent 9 months in a jail. In 1984 he was

arrested again and sentenced to 14 years in prison for his black market

activities. He was released in 1990. In 1993 he became a representative of the

Austrian company "Nordex" in Ukraine. The company somehow received

exclusive rights to sell Russian oil from president Kuchma. In 1997

Rabinovich became president of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, and in

1999 he was elected head of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. That

same year the Associated Press estimated his wealth as $1 billion. Rabinovich

owns Central Europe Media Enterprises, which controls television stations in

seven East European countries.


Victor Medvedchuk was formerly Leonid Kuchma's Chief of Staff. The

Medvedchuk-Surkis cabal controls Ukraine's energy sector (8 regional energy

companies), oil and gas market, alcohol and sugar production, shipbuilding,

and athletic organizations. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and a

leader in the Social Democratic party of Ukraine (SDPU). I'm assuming he's

Jewish based with his background and his hagiography in the Jewish World



Gregory Surkis, also Jewish, is CEO of Slavutich, a company that controls

several huge energy companies (KirovogradEnergo, PoltavEnergo, etc).  He

also owns a soccer team, the prestigious Dynamo-Kiev, and is a president of

the Professional Soccer League. He too is a member of the Ukrainian



These appointments are hardly surprising, given that the new Prime Minister

Arseniy Yatsenyuk is also one of the tribe.  Earlier Uzhgorod Mayor Sergey

Ratushniak described him as the “Impudent Jew Yatsenyuk who was

successfully serving thieves, who are at power in Ukraine, and using

criminal money to plow ahead towards Ukraine’s presidency."


No wonder Victoria Nuland and hubby Robert Kagan were such enthusiastic

supporters of the coup.


Professor Vasyl Yaremenko, director of the Institute of Culturological and

Ethnopolitical research at Kiev State University reviewed the ownership of the

country's TV and other media outlets and warned:


"Ukrainians need to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of

Jews, and everything that we watch or read is the product of Jewish



Comprehensive details of this ownership are provided here.


Professor Yaremenko points out that out of the 400+ members of the

Ukrainian Parliament, 136 (possibly 158) are Jews. That is more than in the

Israeli Knesset. Who voted for them, asks professor Yaremenko. Who paid for

costly election campaigns?  90% of Ukrainian banks, according to him, are

owned by Jews.


The newspaper that published these findings was closed down for, you've

guessed it, "hate speech".


I'm sure all of this brings back fond memories of the 1930s to older
