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March 20, 2014

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Russia has imposed sanctions on nine U.S. officials including John Boehner, Harry Reid and John McCain, in response to U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia.

Russia imposed entry bans Thursday on nine U.S. lawmakers and officials in retaliation to Washington's sanctions over Crimea.

The Russian Foreign Ministry released the list, which includes House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., as well as other senators and administration officials.

"We have repeatedly warned that sanctions are a double-edged instrument and would hit the United States like a boomerang,'' the Russian Foreign Ministry said. `"There must be no doubt: We will respond adequately to every hostile thrust.''


The move came minutes after President Barack Obama signed an order to impose sanctions on more segments of Russia's economy in response to Moscow's annexation of Crimea.

"Diplomacy between the U.S. and Russia continues. We've emphasized that Russia still has a different path available," Obama said. "We want the Ukrainian people to determine their own destiny and to have good relations with the United States, Russia, Europe, with anyone they choose."

Pres. Obama sanctions 'key' Russian sectors
President Obama says the U.S. will impose additional sanctions on Russia including on senior officials in Russian government and a bank that provides material support. Additionally, the U.S. will impose sanctions on key sectors of the Russian economy that could potentially disrupt global markets.

Obama said the new sanctions will target Bank Rossiya, which provides material support to Russian leadership, as well as 20 individuals linked to the country's annexation of Crimea.

The U.S. has declared Russia's incursion into Crimea a violation of international law and does not recognize its annexation of the peninsula.

(Read more: Ukraine: What next for battered economy?)

The other Americans hit with the travel bans were White House staffers Dan Pfeiffer, Ben Rhodes and Caroline Atkinson and Sens. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Dan Coats, R-Ind.

"While I'm disappointed that I won't be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer, I am honored to be on this list,'' Coats said.

In a telephone call on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Secretary of State John Kerry that "the decision on the reunification of Crimea with Russia, which reflects the will of an absolute majority of (Crimea's) residents, is not subject to review and should be respected.''

Meanwhile, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė praised the U.S.'s decision to sanction Russia, saying Obama had set an example.

Russia should be suspended from G8: Lithuania
Political and diplomatic isolation will hurt Putin's pride says Lithuania president, Dalia Grybauskaité, adding that Russia should be suspended from the G8.

"I think that already the United States has been very decisive, very open and doing what it can in the region as our NATO ally, as our bilateral friend and strategic partner. ... It is the perfect example for Europeans to follow," she told CNBC.

Earlier, Obama ruled out U.S. military involvement, saying the U.S. will push diplomatic efforts to bring pressure on Russia to loosen its grip on Crimea.

"There is a better path, but I think even the Ukrainians would acknowledge that for us to engage Russia militarily would not be appropriate and would not be good for Ukraine either," Obama said Wednesday.

(Read more: US warns Moscow is on 'dark path' to isolation)

The EU has already imposed sanctions on Russian officials.

Kerry told reporters Thursday he hopes to meet Russia's top diplomat next week in Europe to discuss the Ukraine crisis.

—By CNBC with wires.