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Ukraine: The first Core lie of the 'legitimate government ' in Kiev

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March 18, 2014

The propaganda war of the West against Russia is yet to come .

Russian President Putin has shown the West that he does not live in their fantasy world NATO - centric and does not suffer from their autistic notion of capital - military-industrial complex in command of the whole world. NATO entschiede what " good and evil " is . As if the world is so simple and we were all so naive . NATO , however, is stupid cheeky enough to twist facts obvious to the contrary. It relies on its corporate and state media , and is ultimately no moral and ethical obligation . The methods of propaganda : a) it uses basically no arguments , but phrases for propaganda . Putin is personalized as an aggressor and demon Yanukovych as butcher , the Nazis of Kiev as a government , legitimate freedom fighters , saints and heroes. The NATO propaganda conceals b ) all relevant background facts , such as the imperialist policy of encirclement of Russia or the loss of access to the Anglo-Saxons to the Russian oil or that EU boss Martin S  myths and reality ; forget the causes and the beginning of the conflict never . The U.S. / EU propaganda is based on five to six core lies that overlap. We introduce them from today and show the contradictions to reality. They are meant to be proactive and to question . Of the NATO - media of the caliber of Putin interview forger Thomas Roth or sharp maker Armbruster no enlightenment is to be expected . The first core lie:

The " government Yatsenyuk " in Kiev is legitimate

Democrats Tjagnibok , Nulands preferred candidate Yatsenyuk with Hitler salute , Klitschko - Kiev Maidan

The media in the NATO sphere of influence ( the ruling politicians anyway ) use the phrase as a matter of course , at the prevailing figures in Kiev if it were the "legitimate government" of the Ukraine. Only then can the close relations of NATO countries to Tymoshenko , Tjagnibok , Yatsenyuk justify etc. . This assertion is highly irresponsible. Especially politicians and the media know, of course , the coup group is a geputschte to power junta, which was mainly composed of right-wing radicals . The constant repetition of the phrase you want to pretend and parroted normality .

The President

A brief review . The press conference Yanukovich in Russia has not shown good reason fully in the mainstream. Phoenix imputed mental disorders in Yanukovych what you never heard the Georgian tie lollipops Saakashvili. The transmitter concealed or twisted essential parts . Especially the sentence that Yanukovych was no order to shoot . Meanwhile, we know from the conversation Ashton / Urmas Paet who shot . He ordered the retreat. Ignored is also: " He trusted in the decency of Western mediators , when he signed the agreement with the opposition. " How naive can you be There were three NATO - salaried foreign ministers from Germany , Poland and France you Yanukovych tricked and ? . the extreme right gives the ability to coup Here the misappropriated in Germany text of PK choosing a interim president and the dismissal of Yanukovich contradict in every respect of the Ukrainian Constitution Even Der Spiegel had to concede through gritted teeth . . . " After valid Ukrainian Constitution (Article 108) , the term of office of the President but only end for four reasons prematurely . because of resignation , for health reasons, in the course of an impeachment or if the incumbent dies . " None of that has applied the example of " mirror " can be seen , however , how NATO - Media bend the reality cope Der Spiegel speaks simply of a "revolutionary situation" . Putin had indeed " legal right " , but " another question is to what extent this view in revolutionary times politically relevant is ..." What is right and revolution now determine NATO or the mirror ? What an arrogant complacency. What is there at all constitutions ? Pinochet from CIA grace was therefore simply revolutionary. Constitutional and international law as arguments apply in a "revolutionary situation " just simply do not . Basta . The decision of the MIRROR . But when it comes to Russia, one sees the other way around . Thus, the Fourth Estate functions today .

The "government"

A self-evident worldwide : a government is democratically elected by the parliament . And This is the key first big lie. The "decisions" of the Kiev parliament , the Rada , are invalid ; Parliament certainly not a quorum . First, since the KP was arbitrarily banned and the deputies of the Communist Party were not present . But not only . Many others, such as from the Party of Regions are threatened , beaten and put under pressure . Party offices were set on fire . People murdered. Everyone knows but the videos. Under these circumstances, the EU considers democratic work possible and the Kiev " parliamentary resolutions " to be legitimate ? Dr. Natalia Vitrenko , chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine informed on 27 2 2014 the EU Parliament Chairman Martin Schulz ( SPD) on the chaotic , deadly situation. The information has not been disseminated by the mainstream. SPD Boss Gabriel droned on to Kiev and met with the rebels . But he was not as stupid as Steinmeier , to be photographed with the Nazis. The theme fascists he did not thematized . Everything but what he gave of themselves and are to this day , are accusations against Russia. All these social democrats know : On the streets marched the Nazis.

The Parliament building was surrounded by Swoboda people with the emblem of the SS Division " Galicia " , guarding the outputs.

NATO now has experts ( especially like in the news ), which simply claim it applies a " principle of effectiveness " . Since the "government" was now time in power, must be treated as such also . Strange that the one in the Crimea or in the southeast of Ukraine can not be applied as of the representatives elected by the people . Since the referendum in the Crimea , which now is a democratic choice as opposed to the Nazi "government" in Kiev really , suddenly illegal and unconstitutional . Since there is no principle of effectiveness and no revolutionary situation. Such are the double standards of NATO and the federal government. Protect GroKo as Great K. .. translate well but has its justification .

The choice was not

Yatsenyuk now proclaimed again and again , the government would have been elected with 386 of 450 votes . A lie . The last relatively normal vote in the Rada , there were 21 2 2014 after Yanukovych had signed the agreement with Steinmeier and colleagues. Since 386 of the 450 deputies voted for the reintroduction of the 2004 Constitution , which grants more rights to the President of the Parliament. About a government because it could not yet have been tuned , because only then came the coup and it began

Repression against the deputies.

On 28 2 2014 called a group of deputies of the Rada - and who should know best - that's why the world not to recognize the " out of control geratenen extremists." The Group includes Vladimir Olejnik , Deputy of Legal Affairs ( ! ) Of the Rada.

Peaceful protesters protect democracy

"We group of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are writing to you in connection with the tragic events in our country. We have no doubt that the paramilitary Nazi formations in the capital of our country , Kiev, have in fact taken place with the full support of the so -called democratic opposition and with total passivity of the President of Ukraine a coup. " Not a word about it in Germany .

These self-appointed "government" has - the imagine any Democrat Visualize - dismiss the constitutional judges and initiated " investigations " against them.

Fake votes in the Rada

The deputies of the Party of Regions that are not submerged reported how they were taken off their badges that are voting card at the same time and they were not allowed into Parliament . The voting cards were then used by members of the coup and threatened deputies to the polls.

Deselection of the President in the Rada

The deputies left benches are empty

Bimanual coordination

Yatsenyuk : No hand in the Hitler salute free - ambidextrous vote

Thus, the "democratic decisions " of Rada come about. Had the coup leaders and their followers more than two hands would have probably reached 110%.

The location in which someone here is busy with a stack of cards , owned by the Communist deputies novel Shugalo .

Actually he would be reached at Tel +380-442554521 , e-mail Shuhalo.Roman @ We have not reached him. Anyone can try to put in touch with him and ask him about the democratic processes in the Rada. He is , unfortunately, can hardly Report . The website of the Ukrainian parliament , the Rada , is dead If you try to progress through search engines , you end up - oh democratic miracle - on a web page that looks like the side of the Rada. However, it is one of the - of the U.S. NDI ( Madeleine Albright ) with $ 345,000 funded - Opora .

Trolls and ignorant people tend to always yes to question everything and to find NATO -compliant statements . So here's the names and contacts of other Members . Try it yourself Roman Shugalo , Igor Alexeyev, Victoria Babych , Larissa Baydjuk , Sergiy Balandin , Volodymyr Bidovka , Olga Borita , Anton Dorohov .

The deputy of the Party of Regions Gruschewski is being abused . February 2014 , Kiev

Vitaly Gruschewski is now attached Member . Why is that ? Ask him yet . Vitaliy Gruschewski , Hrushevskyi.Vitalii @ +380 442552689 , -442 552 646 .

So much for the legitimacy of the "government" in Kiev.

To be continued .

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