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March 3, 2014

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The Hacktivist Group Anonymous Ukraine has been able to hack the e-mail accounts of the Udar Party as well as the electronic correspondence of the deputy head of the Ukrainian nationalist party, The Stepan Bandera Trident, one Andrey Tarasenko. 

Anonymous Ukraine released an e-mail between Tarasenko and the Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Aslan Omer Qirimli in which he asks for more powerful weapons, information on the location weapons caches in Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. The e-mail released by Anonymous Ukraine is dated January 28, 2014 so its operational value is questionable but it does show the true nature of the “peaceful demonstrators” on the Maidan and in Ukraine. Anonymous Ukraine has also hacked the e-mails of NATO offices and bodies in Ukraine and those of several US officials operating in Ukraine with more releases soon to appear on the internet, according to sources in Anonymous.

The e-mail between Tarasenko has been independently verified and appears authentic. It has not been translated into English as of publication so this is the first. The original was in Russian with some grammar errors. Unlike Klitschko who speaks English and German as well as Ukrainian and Russia, Tarasenko appears to speak only Russian and Ukrainian.

Text with comments:

"Everything is going according to plan. We are ready to proceed to the second part of the play.”

He referenced the “play” and the “plan” this provides further evidence of the staged and controlled nature of the coup in Ukraine.

“As agreed last week, my guys together with our brothers from the "Carpathian Sich" and UNA-UNSO are ready at first command to take the instruments where they are needed.”

The Carpathian Sich is apparently a new formation that little is known about but the UNA-UNSO is a neo-nazi [sic] nationalist organization, like most “Defense Leagues” and stands for the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian National Defense. The “instruments” is obviously a reference to weapons and the other “tools” the armed neo-nazis are using to overthrow the government and terrorize the Ukrainian people.

“From you we only need you to identify the coordinates of the caches in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia and Yalta and the times we are to meet.”

This is an important sentence because it shows the compartmentalized nature of the command structure and the cells. Obviously the members are well-trained and judging by their infiltration of the security services and their ties to foreign intelligence and financial sources, as well as public meetings with US officials and intercepted communications there again appears to be the hand of CIA planners at work, however US/NATO/CIA have been extremely careful in covering their tracks, choosing to use German, Turkish and other intermediaries to control their agents in Ukraine.

“Yes, there is one more request. There is a lot of game, we need more hunting gear, helmets and sticks. Do not forget the soda in glass bottles, as well as fuel for them. Also, more gas masks and first aid supplies would not hurt.”

Referring to police and security forces as “game”, as if they are animals, shows how the neo-nazis have dehumanized their targets, also clear from the way they are killing police and beating them to death with steel pipes in the street. His reference to “soda” or “carbonated fluid” is not clear but the follwng request “fuel” might indicate a chemical weapon of some sort, active when mixed.

“I understand that our Turkish friends and have already done a lot, but you know me - I never ask for anything extra.”

The Turkish connection is the most complex but Crimea has long established Turkish- Islamist underground consisting of Crimean Tatars and surprisingly, according to sources, Uighurs from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The Crimean Tatar groups have long been preparing for the proclamation of an independent state and pursue conflicting goals from the Ukrainian Nationalist. However they are united against one enemy which they must both neutralize, namely the Russian-speaking population of the peninsula. The fact that he says “you know me” shows that they have “worked” together before.

“The game was not easy to scare off and the Molotov cocktails do not work on them. We need something more serious. I hope you understand me.”

Again calling the police and law enforcement “game” is chilling and his call for something more serious is obviously a reference to either heavier weapons or possibly some sort of homemade or other “chemical weapon” as I stated earlier.

“As for the money, do not worry: everything will be in the best possible form, but at a later date. In the end, you know that if we are successful you will get a lot more."

This sentence appears to show that money has already changed hands but that currently the neo-nazis may be short of funds. Saying the “best form” apparently implies that there are several methods of payment acceptable but one is preferred. The fact that they will pay much more later shows they have already agreed on a sum but that they will pay more.

Statement from Anonymous Ukraine

Greetings citizens of the world. We are Anonymous Ukraine.

Divisions within Anonymous worldwide and Anonymous Ukraine have been resolved as Anons see more and more evidence of the forces at work in Ukraine. Members of Anonymous Ukraine are working to uncover and expose to the world the internal meddling by the United States, NATO, the European Union, the NSA and the CIA into the internal sovereign affairs of Ukraine.

Anonymous Ukraine continues to support peace and the right of the people of Ukraine to self determination. The Bandera Nazis and fascist thugs that are pretending to be the voice of the people will be stopped. Murderers and fascist thugs who kill police and members of the security services of Ukraine do not represent the will or the wishes of the people of Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine do not want European Union integration. The people of Ukraine do not want NATO on their territory. The people of Ukraine voted for President Yanukovich to lead them in fair and just democratic elections.

The people of Ukraine plea to the President and to Russia for help in stopping the siege of Ukraine by Nazi thugs and murderous gangs. The people of Ukraine do not want to see their beloved capital Kiev occupied by Nazi killers and burned to the ground. The people of Ukraine ask for order to be restored. The people of Ukraine want their independence to be recognized and be allowed to determine their own fate without pressure from US, NATO, European Union. The people of Ukraine want peace and want the Bandera Nazis to be stopped once and for all.

Anonymous Ukraine does not like nor support what is happening in Ukraine now. Anonymous Ukraine thanks President Putin for protecting President Yanukovich and asks him to restore order.

The so-called opposition is tearing Ukraine apart. Anonymous Ukraine will continue to expose the moves by the west to subvert the sovereign country of Ukraine. The latest e mails released by Anonymous prove that the Bandera Nazis are allied with Islamic extremists. We will continue fighting these puppets. The western puppet opposition leaders will lead to the breakup of Ukraine.

We appeal to the president of our country. The people of Ukraine urge you. President Yanukovich, to return to Ukraine and restore order and bring calm and stability and disperse the gangs of robbers and Nazis. Anonymous Ukraine will strike at all of the web resources of western hirelings and fascists.

Anonymous Ukraine calls for Ukraine to be unified and independent. The government of Ukraine promoted the country's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions despite the reluctance of Ukrainian people. Ukrainian citizens realize that signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union will lead to the collapse of Ukrainian economy in the near future. We express our support to the people of our country. We want Ukrainian government and EU leadership to understand that people of Ukraine do not want their country to become a raw material donor to Europe.

Ukraine must be free. We do not want to be dependent on other countries or organizations. Ukrainian people do not need a speculative Association Agreement with the European Union. Ukraine does not need the International Monetary Fund or the western banksters and their conditions. We do not need to be servants of NATO. Ukraine does not need European Union. Ukraine does not need NATO. Ukraine should not be anybody's servant.

The Russian people of Ukraine make up a hardworking and intelligent part of Ukrainian society. The Russian people are brothers and sisters to the Ukrainian people. We do not support demonizing the Russian people. We do not support making the Russian language illegal and we do not support the destruction of monuments and churches by the Bandera Nazis.

We stand for independent Ukraine. We declare the continuation of Operation Independence. We will strike at the web resources of countries and organizations that pose a threat to freedom and independence of Ukraine!

The Bandera Nazis did not listen. They have proven the weak cowards that we knew they were. They can continue to expect us. We will continue to take their sites down and publish every communication they make. Anyone who supports them can also soon expect us.

Operation Independence continues… You should have expected us

We are Anonymous Ukraine.

We are the Real Patriots of Ukraine

We are Legion.

We Do Not Forgive.

We Do Not Forget.

Do Not Expect Us.

We Are Already Here.