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Notes and Comments by Lasha Darkmoon /Montecristo

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FEb. 26, 2014

Whither Ukraine? Will the attempt to steal Ukraine from Russia and incorporate it into Europe trigger World War Three?



Notes and Comments by Lasha Darkmoon

Introductory note by Lasha Darkmoon

Ukraine has now fallen under the control of Right Sector, a group of violent “neo-Nazis” who hate Jews and Russians even more than they hate the US and Europe. The US has foolishly spent $5 billion helping to finance a coup d’état on behalf of people who essentially hate them. This is the sad and sober truth.

The Western media have presented a totally simplistic and distorted picture of the situation in Ukraine.

One half of the country (the east) is Russian-speaking and loyal to Putin’s Russia. This half of the country, as you might expect, is portrayed by Western media as the “bad half”. The other half of the country (the west) turns adoring eyes toward the US and Europe and longs to become part of the European community and have NATO defend them from Russia. Full of bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young idealists, panting for the freedom and democracy purportedly enjoyed by all Americans and Europeans, this part of Ukraine is naturally presented as the “good half”.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

As the article below will make clear, Ukraine is now under the hegemony of armed thugs whose ideological roots go back to Hitler’s Germany. These were ordinary Ukrainians who had suffered horrendously under Stalin. Roughly 10 million of them had been starved to death in the Holodomor famine (1932-33), a premeditated act of genocidal mass murder for which they rightly blamed the Soviet Union.


Since the Russian commissars who confiscated Ukrainian corn and presided over the deliberate starvation of the Ukrainian peasants were mostly Jewish — and since Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution itself  (1917) had the mark of international Jewry written all over them — it is only natural that these Ukrainian nationalists should regard Jews with utter abhorrence.

When World War II broke out, these Ukrainian Jew haters naturally joined forces with Hitler’s Germany.  Hitler would protect them, they thought, from the filthy bastards who had  tried to starve them to death in the man-made Holodomor famine.

Right Sector, who now control Ukraine thanks to American “regime change”, are the ideological descendants of the Ukrainian victims of the Holodomor famine. They hate the Jews for starving their forefathers to death. They hate the Russians for letting the Jews take over Russia. And they hate the US — because not only did the US defeat their ally Hitler, but the US was also allied to Russia in WWII and was itself a disgusting puppet of international Jewry.

The hidden hand of international Jewry must be seen behind recent events in Ukraine. It must not be forgotten that Yulia Tymoshenko, the blonde-plaited darling of so many Western Ukrainians and a former Prime Minister of Ukraine, was known to have close business ties with crime boss Semyon Moglievich, head of the Jewish Russian mafia. I have written about this shady character before, billed as “the world’s most dangerous man”.  (See here).

It needs to be asked: how come the former Prime Minister of Ukraine was in cahoots with the head of Jewish Russian mafia? Who has helped to finance Right Sector? Were those Israeli snipers by any chance who shot and killed both sides in the recent conflict in Kiev, the protesters as well as the Ukrainian police?

These questions need answering.


Ukraine Crisis portends apocalypse

by Dr Paul Craig Roberts

Who’s in charge in Ukraine? Certainly not the bought-and-paid-for-moderates that Washington and the EU hoped to install as the new government of Ukraine. The agreement that the Washington and EU supported opposition concluded with President Yanukovich to end the crisis did not last an hour. Even the former boxing champion, Vitaly Klitschko, who was riding high as an opposition leader until a few hours ago has been booed by the rioters and shoved aside.

The newly appointed president by what is perhaps an irrelevant parliament, Oleksandr Turchynov, has no support base among those who overthrew the government. As the BBC reports, “like all of the mainstream opposition politicians, Mr. Turchynov is not entirely trusted or respected by the protesters in Kiev’s Independence Square.”

In western Ukraine the only organized and armed force is the ultra-nationalist Right Sector. From the way this group’s leaders speak, they assume that they are in charge. One of the group’s leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, has pledged to fight against “Jews and Russians until I die.” Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the situation, Muzychko declared that now that the democratically elected government has been overthrown, “there will be order and discipline” or “Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot.”

The bastards are any protesters who dare to protest the Right Sector’s control.

Muzychko declared, “The next president of Ukraine will be from Right Sector.”

Another Right Sector leader, Dmitry Yarosh, declared: “the Right Sector will not lay down its arms.” He declared the deal made between the opposition and the President to be “unacceptable” and demanded the liquidation of President Yanukovich’s political party.

The Right Sector’s roots go back to the Ukrainians who fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union during World War II. It was the Right Sector that introduced armed fighters and turned the tide of the protests in Kiev from peaceful protests in favor of joining the EU to violent attacks on police with the view of overthrowing the democratically elected government, which the Right Sector succeeded in doing.

The Right Sector did not overthrow the Ukraine government in order to deliver it into the hands of the Washington and EU paid “opposition.”

There is a tendency to discount the Right Sector as a small fringe group, but the Right Sector not only took control of the protests away from the Western supported moderates, as moderate leaders themselves admitted, but also the Right Sector has enough public support to destroy the national monument to the Red Army soldiers who died liberating Ukraine from Nazi Germany.

Unlike the US orchestrated toppling of the stature of Saddam Hussein, which was a PR event for the presstitutes in which Iraqis themselves were not involved, Ukrainian rightists’ destruction of the monument commemorating the Red Army’s liberation of the Ukraine had public support.

If the Right Sector hates Russians for defeating the Nazis, the Right Sector also hates the US, France, and England for the same reason. The Right Sector is an unlikely political party to take Ukraine into the EU.

Lasha Darkmoon comments:

As I indicated earlier, Right Sector has not forgotten the Holodomor genocide of 1932-33  and the savage cruelties inflicted on Ukrainian peasants by Stalin and his Jewish commissars.

Right Sector also remembers that the Red Army,  at the instigation of Russian Jew Ilya Ehrenberg, not only raped over 2 million German women in 1945 but also raped, tortured and killed thousands of women in Ukraine.

So these Ukrainian nationalists, portrayed by Western media as “neo-Nazi scum”,  have very good reason to be angry with Jews and Russians — especially Russian Jews like Ilya Ehrenberg and Trotsky who made the lives of their forefathers such a living hell.

It is highly significant that all over western Ukraine statues of Lenin, whose grandfather was Jewish, have been torn down and reduced to rubble.

It is also significant that “the chief rabbi of Ukraine has just  declared the country unsafe for Jews and is urging them to emigrate: he says the Israeli embassy is telling them not to leave their homes because Jews are not safe in the streets.” (See here)

The Russian parts of Ukraine clearly understand that the Right Sector’s destruction of the monument commemorating the stand of the Red Army against the German troops is a threat against the Russian population of Ukraine. Provincial governments in eastern and southern Ukraine that formerly were part of Russia are organizing militias against the ultra-nationalist threat unleashed by Washington’s stupidity and incompetence and by the naive and gullible Kiev protesters.

Having interfered in Ukraine’s internal affairs and lost control, Washington is now issuing ultimatums to Russia not to interfere in Ukraine.

Does the idiot Susan Rice, Obama’s neoconservative National Security Advisor, think Putin is going to pay any attention to her ultimatums or to any instruction from a government so militarily incompetent that it was unable to successfully occupy Baghdad after 8 years or to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban after 12 years?

In only took a few hours for Russian troops to destroy the American and Israeli trained and armed Georgian army that Washington sent to invade South Ossetia.

Where does Obama find morons like Susan Rice and Victoria Nuland? These two belong in a kindergarten for mentally handicapped children, not in the government of a superpower where their ignorance and arrogance can start World War III.

Lasha Darkmoon comments:

Obama has lost it. His appointees to important political posts often appear to be are as clueless as himself.  His ambassador to Sweden was recently found lying dead drunk in the snow. His current hotel chain owner nominee for Norway was unaware that Norway was a constitutional monarchy.  His TV soap opera producer pick for Hungary had no idea what the US was doing in Hungary or what its interests there were. “One Obama appointee,” we are told, “Seattle investor Cynthia Stroum, was forced to resign after running her embassy in Luxembourg into the ground, verbally abusing her staff and spending embassy funds on personal travel and alcohol.” (See here)

Ukraine is far more important to Russia than it is to the US or EU. If the situation in Ukraine spirals out of control and right-wing extremists seize control, Russian intervention is certain. The arrogant and stupid Obama regime has carelessly and recklessly created a direct strategic threat to the existence of Russia.

According to the Moscow Times, this is what a senior Russian official has to say: “If Ukraine breaks apart, it will trigger a war.” Ukraine “will lose Crimera first,” because Russia “will go in just as we did in Georgia.” Another Russian official said: “ We will not allow Europe and the US to take Ukraine from us. The states of the former Soviet Union, we are one family. They think Russia is still as weak as in the early 1990s but we are not.”

The Ukrainian right-wing is in a stronger position than Washington’s paid Ukrainian puppets, essentially weak and irrelevant persons who sold out their country for Washington’s money. The Right Sector is organized. It is armed. It is indigenous. It is not dependent on money funneled in from Washington and EU financed NGOs. It has an ideology, and it is focused. The Right Sector doesn’t have to pay its protesters to take to the streets like Washington had to do.

Most importantly, well-meaning but stupid protesters–especially the Kiev students–and an Ukrainian parliament playing to the protesters destroyed Ukrainian democracy. The opposition controlled parliament removed an elected president from office without an election, an obvious illegal and undemocratic action. The opposition controlled parliament issued illegal arrest warrants for members of the president’s government. The opposition controlled parliament illegally released criminals from prison. As the opposition has created a regime of illegality in place of law and constitutional procedures, the field is wide open for the Right Sector. Expect everything the opposition did to Yanukovich to be done to them by the Right Sector. By their own illegal and unconstitutional actions, the opposition has set the precedent for their own demise.

Just as the February 1917 revolution against the Russian Tsar set the stage for the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, surprising the stupid “reformers,” the overthrow of the Ukrainian political order has set the stage for the Right Sector. We can only hope that the Right Sector blows its chance.

The American media is a useless news source. It serves as a Ministry for Government Lies. The corrupt propagandists are portraying the undemocratic removal of Yanukovich as a victory for freedom and democracy. When it begins to leak out that everything has gone wrong, the presstitutes will blame it all on Russia and Putin. The Western media is a plague upon humanity.

Americans have no idea that the neoconservative regime of the White House Fool is leading them into a Great Power Confrontation that could end in destruction of life on earth.

Ironic, isn’t it. America’s “first black president,” the person liberals thought would restore justice, morality, and reason to Western civilization, is instead now positioned as the person who will have to accept humiliating defeat or risk the destruction of life on earth.

About Montecristo

John Scott Montecristo is the editor of this website. He is Lasha Darkmoon's cousin.