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Nobody Will Answer Chuck Hagel’s Phone Calls

Daniel Greenfield

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Feb. 22, 2014


First John Kerry couldn’t get Russia to answer his phone calls.


Then Chuck Hagel couldn’t get the Egyptian government to answer his phone calls. Now he can’t get the Ukranian defense minister to answer his phone calls.

Is there anyone who will answer Chuck Hagel’s phone calls?

Ukraine Defense Minister Pavel Lebedev has refused to take multiple phone calls made personally by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the Pentagon said Thursday.

“Secretary Hagel has been trying, himself, since early this week,” Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters. Lebedev refuses “to communicate, to accept a phone call” from Hagel or the Pentagon.

“We haven’t been able to connect with anybody from the Defense Ministry there in Ukraine,” he said. “We’ve been trying pretty diligently here in the Pentagon, we’ve been trying pretty diligently this whole week. I’d say it’s pretty unusual.”

It’s not unusual, it’s soft power. It’s what happens when no one takes you seriously anymore.