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FW:  Jan. 21, 2014

An American activist blames pro-Israel “Jews” inside the United States for an “aggressive” policy the Senate has made against Iran.

Bruce Campbell from says the new sanctions bill supported by almost 60 US senators is a “prelude” to war and seeks to “destroy” another “peaceful country” like Iran.

“The Jews here in America say they are a tiny minority – just two percent – yet they are able to control sixty percent of the US Senate in any important matter, such as maneuvering the US military to attack Iran – in the middle of negotiations,” he said in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

Pro-Israel lobbies in the US, like AIPAC, had the same policy towards Iraq, Campbell said, referring to the US wars against the Arab country back in 1991 and in 2003. The 2003 US-led war on Iraq toppled former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein but left more than one million people dead.

“The Jews have made the entire US Congress a laughingstock – except, no one can laugh at such a Frankenstein monster.  The monster has slaughtered millions of innocent, normal people all over the world – over two million just in Iraq since ’91.”

“America has a Jewish problem,” Campbell said, noting that Congress has been in the hand of pro-Israel lobbies for many years. The lobbies, he said, are now pushing for another war in the Middle East, this time against Iran.


"Jewish power in America can only be ended by the American Defense Party, which is dedicated to shutting down the tyrannical federal government.  It is tyrannical because it is controlled by Jews, who own the Federal Reserve, AIPAC and the Council on Foreign Relations," he said.

The Hill reported Saturday that Senator Chuck Schumer, a long-time hawkish Israeli supporter, is leading a behind-the-scenes campaign in the Senate to build support for the sanctions resolution against Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program.

The push for additional sanctions put the Senate's Number 3 Democrat at sharp odds with the Obama administration which has repeatedly warned the passage of such measure would undercut the ongoing nuclear talks with Tehran.

Iran and the P5+1 nations including the United States reached an interim deal in November in Geneva. The agreement requires that the six world powers lift parts of existing sanctions on Tehran in exchange for Iran addressing what the West calls “international concerns” about its nuclear energy program.

Both the Obama administration and the Iranian government have warned that any move to impose further sanctions on Iran could close the door on diplomacy.