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Source: Tape proves Ahmadinejad lost 2009 election

Reza Kahlili

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April 3,2013

Cites wiretapped conversations between candidate, ayatollah's aide, on fraud

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lost the 2009 presidential elections overwhelmingly, garnering only a third of the vote and sparking massive protests that led to arrests, torture and executions, WND learned Thursday.

The source for this report, a member of the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence unit, hopes to provide WND with a tape that proves Iranian officials admitted the truth about the level of fraud in the 2009 elections.

The source said the taped phone conversation, a bit longer than 11 minutes, is between Ahmadinejad and Vahid Haghanian, the head of the supreme leader’s office. The two discuss the fraud in which Haghanian said election officials added millions of votes to Ahmadinejad’s tally to declare him the winner.

During that phone call, the two argued as Haghanian told Ahmadinejad what the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, expected of him. Haghanian then told him that they had to add millions of fake votes to declare him the winner despite having all Guards and Basij personnel voting for him.

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Here are the actual results of the election, as provided by the source:

  • Mir Hossein Mousavi won the election with over 19,250,000 votes.
  • Ahmadinejad was second with a little over 13,000,000 votes.
  • Mohsen Rezaei had approximately 3,700,000 votes.
  • Mehdi Karoubi had approximately 3,200,000 votes.

Millions of Iranians took to the streets after the 2009 election results were reported, calling Ahmadinejad’s reported 62 percent tally of voters a fraud and demanding a free election.

Thousands were arrested, with many tortured and executed. Mousavi and Karoubi have been under house arrest ever since.

Meanwhile, Iranian media attacked WND Thursday for its report this week on the temporary arrest of Ahmadinejad and accused the news website of counterintelligence activity against the Islamic regime.

The exclusive WND report on Wednesday said Ahmadinejad, after visiting Tehran’s 26th international book fair Monday, was arrested and held for seven hours and warned to keep his mouth shut about matters detrimental to the Islamic regime before he was released, according to the same source.

The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Wednesday assailed WND, stating that the “U.S. news website World Net Daily, which had a record of publishing anti-Iranian news items, among its Wednesday news claimed baselessly that … President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was arrested temporarily by some Iranian security forces Wednesday evening (sic).”

Mir Hossein Mousavi

IRNA misstated the day of the arrest, which, as WND reported, occurred on Monday night.

“It seems as if the publication of such false news items at the present time is in the framework of a counterintelligence, anti-Iranian project that is aimed at influencing Iran’s upcoming presidential elections, which will take place in less than two months, and is aimed at conveying the idea of the existence of a dual-governance tendency idea within the structure of the Iranian political system,” IRNA said.

The official state news agency blamed certain media outlets inside Iran that are close to political opponents of the Iranian government for publishing false news items against Ahmadinejad within the framework of an “internal counterintelligence project.”

WND reported Wednesday that the regime’s media outlet Baztab had reported that with just days remaining for the registration of presidential candidates, Ahmadinejad warned associates that if his handpicked candidate to succeed him, close confidant and top adviser Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, was rejected as a candidate, he would reveal tapes that show the regime defrauded voters in the 2009 presidential election. The regime quickly took down the Baztab site but not before the source captured the screen and the image was posted on WND.

Besides IRNA, other regime media outlets continued to attack WND. Tabnak, in a report today headlined “Where did the news on Ahmadinejad’s arrest initiate?” said that as the date for the Iranian elections becomes closer, elements inside and outside the country will increase pressure to affect the elections.

Tabnak blamed other regime media such as Baztab for picking up the story on the 2009 fraud tape, which now has become an international embarrassment for the nation, and warned of efforts to influence the presidential elections next month.

The WND report was picked up by many other outlets, including Britain’s Daily Mail, which said U.S. and British diplomats are aware of the reports and are viewing them “with interest.”

“It is potentially of considerable significance given the on-going internal political struggles as the election approaches,” one diplomatic source told the Daily Mail.

The Islamic regime’s media have attacked WND and its author, Reza Kahlili, on several occasions for revealing their secrets.

Most recently, much of Iran’s media, reflecting a state of panic, attacked WND for a report over the Islamic regime’s involvement in the Boston Marathon bombings, claiming Washington is behind the WND reports so the U.S. can attack other countries, presumably Iran and Syria.

WND’s source on the bombing provided information early on that those involved were Islamists and that they did not act alone. The source traced that assistance to Iran’s Quds Forces and the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah with operations out of South Asia. The source will soon reveal to WND significant information linking the Islamic regime to the Boston bombings.

Regime media also have attacked the WND report on Iran’s latest secret nuclear site. The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, in an unusual press conference, denied the existence of the uranium-enrichment site, dubbed “Quds,” at which the rogue nation is making great progress in creating nuclear warheads for an array of long-range missiles stored underground nearby. However, he failed to state what the site is, and it is quite clear from satellite images that it is heavily fortified with underground entrances into a mountain.

WND, the “biggest cyber news outlet in the United States,” is initiating psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activity, Iran’s Golpanews charged in relation to that report.