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March 7, 2013 4:17 pm TheUnhivedMind 1 Comment

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7 March 2013 Last updated at 12:47

Silvio Berlusconi convicted over Italy wiretap

Italy’s former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been convicted and sentenced to a year in jail over an illegal wiretap.

He was accused of arranging for a police wiretap concerning a political rival to be leaked and published in a newspaper run by his brother.

Mr Berlusconi is likely to appeal and will remain free in the meantime.

He is presently appealing against a tax-fraud conviction and also faces a verdict in a sex trial later in March.

The tax fraud conviction stems from a trial last October that saw him sentenced to a year in jail.

The sex trial concerns allegations that he paid for sex with an underage prostitute.

The BBC’s Alan Johnston in Rome says there is no real prospect of Mr Berlusconi going to jail over the wiretap case, but the conviction is another very serious blow to his reputation.

It comes weeks after his right-wing coalition did better than expected in a general election that provided no clear winner.

However, his coalition looks to be on the margins of efforts to form a new government, and the outcome of this court case is unlikely to have any direct bearing on those negotiations.

The other faction leaders have long had utter contempt for everything Mr Berlusconi stands for, and this verdict will only serve to entrench their views, our correspondent adds.

Vendetta claims

Prosecutors brought the wiretap case after a transcript of a phone conversation intercepted by the authorities was published in the newspaper Il Giornale, owned by Mr Berlusconi’s brother Paolo.

The conversation took place between the head of insurer Unipol and Piero Fassino, who was the leader of the biggest centre-left party and Mr Berlusconi’s biggest political rival at the time.

Unipol was trying to take over BNL bank in 2005. Magistrates had ordered the wiretap as part of an investigation into inappropriate interference in the takeover.

The publication of the transcript in a national newspaper broke secrecy rules, and Mr Berlusconi was accused of obtaining the transcript from the wiretap company used by magistrates.

He was convicted of breaching confidentiality.

His brother Paolo was convicted of the same charge and jailed for two years and three months.

Analysts say wiretapped conversations are widely published in Italian media, despite the risks of prosecution.

In numerous trials over the years, Mr Berlusconi has been accused of charges including accounting fraud, perjury, bribery, corruption, having unlawful sex with a minor, and fraud over the sale of film rights.

Mr Berlusconi says he is the target of a vendetta by politically biased prosecutors. He has denied all the accusations against him and has either been acquitted or let off under statutes of limitations.

TheUnhivedMind on March 7, 2013 at 4:24 pm said:

If you think Silvio Berlusconi is the big bad man then you have somewhat fallen for the City of London’s hype and media programming to demonize the man. Have you not noticed how all of a sudden since the unlawful invasion of Libya that Berlusconi was dropped dramatically out of favour? Out popped the technocratic, Mario Monti and the treason against Italy then started by the Jesuit commanded dictatorship, European Union. Who was Silvio’s close friend? Gaddafi and look what the French DGSE intelligence network did to him in the end and put the blame on the Al-Qaeda rat rebel terrorists as the man-in-the-middle.

Was Silvio close to the gold dinar project of Gaddafi? A project which would have hammered The Worshipful Company of Mercers and the City of London Corporation. Silvio has certainly rattled the cage of the City of London just as Dominique Strauss-Kahn did a while back. All these big names have dodgy pasts and things they have been up to that some may call criminal. Whilst they play ball with the City of London they can get away with almost anything. The City of London keeps a close watch on all of their puppets using the British Secret Intelligence Service as well as the hidden Vatican which uses the mighty intelligence group called The Entity. They have records on everything and on everyone, then when the time arises they just spill the beans and allow the system to finally take down an individual who was once protected as a Masonic brethren. Play ball or be sacrificed! If they have no dirt on you then they will try to create a situation to lure you into dirt or they will fit you up on false dirt or simply kill or hurt your family instead.

An example of this would be the killing of JonBenét Ramsey by a Royal Canadian Air Force Colonel in order to attempt to frame the child’s father for the crime with suspicion. Why? The child’s father controlled a company called Access Graphics which had access to the Sun Microsystem servers used for the Continuity of Government program of the U.S. run by the U.S. Navy. Why do you think the Office of Naval Intelligence was attacked at the Pentagon that day and aided by the british firm AMEC just like the CUNY film studio used by the French DGSE to film the plane hitting the tower with the Naudet Brothers (not just Israeli intelligence was filming the event that day). May I also remind you that AMEC are specialists in demolition? Access to these servers was needed by these terrorists out of Quebec and Europe in order to execute the attacks on September 11th 2001 where by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would gain access to the PKI system and COG system in place eventually handing it from Washington DC into Chicago and then out to the U.K. Ministry of Defense under Geoff Hoon. An event mastered in New Jerusalem by a Grandmaster of a Livery Company and also a member of the Order of the Bath like George H.W Bush.

-= The Unhived Mind