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'Libya no-fly zone an option': Obama gives strongest indication yet U.S. forces may be deployed in Middle East rebellion

Daily Mail Reporter

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In his strongest remarks yet about the Libya crisis, the President indicated that he was keeping 'all options open' including enforcing a controversial no-fly zone with American military aircraft.

Speaking at a meeting with Mexican premier Felipe Calderon, he insisted that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi leave office, declaring he had lost his authority to lead.

Obama also announced that U.S. military aircraft would play a humanitarian role by flying Egyptians who had fled Libya home to Egypt from makeshift camps in Tunisia.


He suggested that if a situation existed where Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was 'hunkered down' in his capital Tripoli, the United States might have to find a way to get food aid to Libyans. 

As the president spoke, it emerged that British Prime Minister David Cameron's plans for a no-fly zone over Libya have been slapped down by the U.S. Secretary of Defence who warned of 'loose talk' over military action in the wartorn country.

Robert Gates suggested that the zone could only be established if there was an initial military attack on the country first.


March 4, 2011