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U.S. to 'tread carefully' in Middle East


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Surge of Islamic influences gives Iran upper hand in troubled region

Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.

The influence of the United States throughout the Middle East is plunging and in its place the pro-Islamic attitudes prevailing in Iran, Turkey and their allies, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza, are surging, regional analysts have said in a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

And they confirm that the trend is expected to continue as the "popular uprisings" which actually are opening the door for more Islamic influence continue in Egypt, Bahrain, Libya and other places.

The analysts confirm the shift follows warning signs that for some time have suggested a coming turmoil in the Middle East, a result that appears to have caught the U.S. intelligence community off guard as to its timing and severity.

The result is that the U.S. intelligence community is "in bunker mode," overwhelmed by how rapidly events changed in the Middle East, one U.S. intelligence analyst told G2Bulletin

Among the warnings were the surge of Islam-focused governance in Turkey, the obstacles Ankara put in the way of its commitments in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its turn eastward from aspirations to join the European Union after more than 10 years, and its increased alliance with Iran, particularly over its nuclear issue.

Turkey also became more assertive in its international relations by confronting Israel first over the Israeli bombing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, leading to Turkey suspending diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Then last May, the coup de grace to that relationship – which had lasted for years – came with the forced Israeli boarding of the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara in its effort along with a flotilla of other vessels to break the Israeli sea blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"In Tehran, there is a strong belief that the region is changing dramatically in favor of Hezbollah, the Palestinians, and the Resistance," one knowledgeable regional analyst said.

Analysts say that all of this has made the U.S. "tread very carefully" with their words, especially toward Egypt. While U.S. policymakers want to give the appearance of supporting the rights and aspirations of the Egyptian people, analysts say that the U.S. still is looking to salvage some semblance of that strategic arrangement with Egypt, although others think it won't be the same.

Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

Feb. 26, 2011