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Chapter 7 ~ Iraq and China ~ Chinese: We are ready to complete the requirements to lift international sanctions ('bout time) ...

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The Republic of China People's desire to develop mutual relations with the Republic of Iraq and its continued strong support for the completion of the requirements to lift the sanctions imposed on Iraq under UN Security Council resolutions, and enhanced cooperation at all levels of political, economic, commercial, cultural, popular and which would rise to relations between the two countries.

This came during a meeting with President Jalal Talabani at the Peace Palace in Baghdad on Wednesday, a Chinese government delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Minister, Jay Jones, who conveyed the greetings of Chinese President Hu Jintao and his congratulations to His Excellency the President on the occasion of his re-election as President of the Republic.

Talabani stressed the importance of China as a great ancient civilization in the past as it is a great day.

He praised the level of development and the ongoing cooperation between the two countries in all fields, stressing the importance of improving relations and to serve the goals and common aspirations of both peoples,

President Talabani also expressed his thanks for China's support of Iraq in international forums, particularly regarding the lifting of international sanctions that were imposed on Iraq after Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, also noted the positive state-friendly towards Arab issues, especially the Palestinian cause,

He also pointed out that relations between Iraq in particular and across the Arab countries along with China by the second relationship is in constant evolution, noting that this was encouraged that the enhanced cooperation and evolve to serve the common goals of cooperation between the peoples on the basis of independence and non-interference in the affairs of so as to enhance internal and lasting peace in the world.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China do not have the slightest doubt that we have at the Peace Palace dear friend is keen to develop relations between the two countries ", and noted in this regard to the visit by President Jalal Talabani to the People's Republic in 2007, saying:" This visit was a historic and opened new in the history of Iraq-China relations. "

He commended Jay John on the political development of the country has experienced and which culminated in the formation of a government of national partnership and strengthen the efforts of reconciliation and reconstruction process, explaining that "These developments are important in the course of the ongoing political process in Iraq, which is what makes us happy and wishful thinking that Iraq is investigating other achievements are the largest and greatest".

As Deputy Foreign Minister of China China seeks to promote the work of Chinese companies in the oil and electricity projects, construction and reconstruction under way in Iraq, and also continue to train Iraqi cadres in the various disciplines and increase scholarships for Iraqis .

Feb. 23, 2011