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Egypt in Transition: US Promotion of Omar Saleiman a Spectacular Failure

Alcuin Bramerton

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US Middle East foreign policy in tatters as Egyptian intifada morphs into peaceful revolution. Soft military coup does not run to Western cabal's preferred script. American-sponsored fake pharaoh Mubarak ousted by popular people-power.

On Friday 11th February 2011, the CIA & Mossad agent Omar Suleiman (74), Egypt's ephemeral and unelected vice-president, made a people-forced announcement. America's hand-picked Egyptian dictator, Hosni Mubarak (82), had resigned as the President of Egypt and had handed over power to the Egyptian army. A junta of geriatric farts, called the Higher Council of the Armed Forces, had taken over management of US Torture-Central in the Middle East.

The Egyptian defence minister, Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi (75), a staunch Mubarak loyalist, had been appointed head of the ruling military council. Problem: Tantawi was not on the Washington DC slushfund list.

According to the BBC, at around 1719 GMT on the 11th February 2011, the Swiss foreign ministry announced that the Swiss government was freezing "potential Mubarak assets" in Switzerland. The BBC and the Western mainstream media (example here) did not mention that funds worth an estimated $900 trillion were involved. The corporate media were also discreet on another point. Most of those frozen Swiss funds, although Egypt and Mubarak-linked in certain respects, belonged to major élite officials and politicians in the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

But someone in Cairo spent several days moving large chunks of Egypt's treasury gold and other national liquid assets out of the country on Mubarak's behalf. Who? Was Tarek Amer of the National Bank of Egypt complicit in the heist?

Some say that the beginning of The Egyptian Revolution can be dated back to a night in the summer of 2010. At 11.30 pm on Sunday 6th June, twenty eight year-old Khaled Said was beaten to death by Hosni Mubarak's police outside an internet café in Cleopatra, Alexandria. The seething public resentment which germinated and grew from that moment achieved its final manifestation eight months later in Cairo and Switzerland. No significant figure in Washington or the Middle East was left untouched.

America's active promotion of Omar Suleiman to be Egypt's famous-for-fifteen-minutes Mubarak vice-president was a spectacular failure. Creatures like Suleiman operate best when concealed deep within the duplicitous slime of Mossad and CIA double-agency. As soon as he was wound up and pushed into the public limelight, web cluster searches revealed Suleiman in his true Zionist colours: international torture master for hire, Mubarak confidant, and committed suppressor of free elections in Gaza.

Thanks to the US, Omar Suleiman is now seen globally as a counterfeit Arab camel jockey bought-and-paid-for by the Western cabal. A story emerging from the Munich Security Conference at the beginning of February 2011, related how two of Suleiman's body guards were killed during an assassination attempt on him a day or two earlier in Cairo. Strenuous efforts have since been made to hush the story up. A well-earned retirement in Dubai now beckons.

The people-powered removal of Mubarak was an impressive first step in the establishment of a free indigenous polity in Egypt. The true revolution is what comes next. Behind the scenes, oil-rich Muslim countries are lining up to offer Egypt massive financial assistance in her national rebuilding. But there is a strict condition attached. Both the US and Israel must be completely kicked out of Egypt if the Arab-sourced restoration funds are to flow. It looks like the beginning of the end for Washington DC in the Middle East.

Feb. 14, 2011