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Arabs blame U.S. for Egypt violence

Bob Unruh - WND

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'Tell me, Obama, what are your country's real interests?'

There have been reports that Barack Obama's administration secretly met with the Muslim Brotherhood to discuss the future of Egypt after  President Hosni Mubarak and that Washington has told the Egyptian army it should remove Mubarak from office.

Now Arabs in the Middle East are bluntly telling Obama to shut up and get out of that nation's internal affairs.

"Obama discusses Egypt's affairs out of an imperialistic mentality. I do not know who authorized him to speak in my name as an Egyptian citizen," wrote Anwar al-Hawari, a columnist for the daily Al-Ahram Al-Masai.

"Tell me, Obama, what are your country's real interests in what is happening in Egypt right now? What is your role in instigating these events? Tell me, what is your agenda?"

He continued, "You, Obama, want my country to share the fate you have arranged for Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. But the fate of a country like Egypt will not be determined in your meetings with your advisers, and by your poisoned diplomatic speeches."

The comments from al-Hawari and others were documented by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors media reports in the region and offers analysis.

Said MEMRI, "The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has rejected the U.S.'s stance on the protests in Egypt, telling it bluntly to mind its own business and refrain from interfering in Egypt's affairs."

The report continued, "Rage at the U.S. has also been voiced by writers in the Egyptian press, who said that U.S. President Barack Obama was not qualified to speak for the Egyptian people or to determine the country's future."

The MEMRI report continued, "Also critical of Obama's policy were columnists in other Arab countries, who accused the U.S. of abandoning Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and of willingness to sell out its allies, including Israel, to further its own goals. They claimed that the U.S. encouraged the Arab opposition not in order to promote human rights, as it claimed, but in order to realize a hidden agenda and preserve its influence over the Arab world in all circumstances."

Among the comments MEMRI documented:

  • From the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. "It is very saddening to see Western foreign countries like the U.S. … sticking their noses into the developments in Egypt. In an insolent and unprecedented manner, these countries have allowed themselves to speak in the Egyptian people's name."

  • From Muhammad Ali Ibrahim, editor of the Egyptian government daily Al-Gumhouriyya, "Does Washington [mean to] overlook 85 million Egyptians and deal directly with the [person] it trusts, without considering the Egyptians? … Who authorized America to try to shape Egypt's future after Mubarak? … Ultimately, what American wants is for Egypt to be in the state of political vacuum. … What America wants is for Egypt to become a country without independent decision, [subject to] the decision of the American administration – a proxy state."

  • From al-Hawari, "I would be willing to endorse Obama's statements in support of democracy in Egypt, were I not familiar with real-world experiences that belie his [claims]."

  • From Adel Abd Al-Rahma of the Palestinian Authority's Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, "For the thousandth time, the U.S. is proving that it will sell out its allies at the first political crossroads. … Not long ago, the U.S. announced that it was immediately abandoning Tunisian President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, known to have strong relations with it; today, it is maneuvering against the leader of Egypt's regime while deluding the Egyptian protesters into thinking that it supports them and their demands. … Who has forgotten the Shah of Iran and his role as guardian of the American interest – and who has forgotten what the [U.S.] did to him?"

  • From King Saud University lecturer Emir Saif Al-Islam bin Saud bin abd Al-Aziz, "What has the American weapon been since the American president's speech at Cairo University in the summer of 2009 to the Islamic and Arab world – The first weapon is conspiring with the oppositionist political elites. … The American administration has [another] frightening weapon, aimed at fomenting 'creative chaos' and creating a new Arab reality."

  • From Abdallah Iskander, columnist for the London-based Saudi daily Al-Hayat, "The human rights brandished by the U.S. as a slogan are not a goal; they are only to obtain influence over the next regime."

WND reported this week that top members of the Egyptian government felt betrayed by Obama. WND also had reported that according to a senior Egyptian diplomat, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, specifically told Mubarak on Tuesday the U.S. would not support his rule.

Feb. 3, 2011