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CHINA SPEAKS --from 2005 Document

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     I just came across the above article in the attachment.  How did we get in this fix.  As I understand it The corporation known as the United States was put in place by Lincoln.  Perhaps at the time Lincoln had no choice but to do what he did.  Change the united States Government to a Corporation from what I have learnt, he defiantly was in a bind.  This United States corporation is not a government but a corporation as most of us allready know.  So this corporation is unlawful because it is ACTING as a government.  The people at the top of this corporation the people who are known as Senators, Congressmen, Governor's President etc.  have done what you will read in the attachment.  So all the nations have been unknowingly dealing with this corporation believing until now that it was a lawful government. 
So my question to you is if the people could set up a lawful republic and the nations of the world recognized it and knew and undetstood that the corporation was not a government what would happen between the real government (Republic) and the nations (governments) of the world, if they understood what I have just typed.  In the land called America would there not be a Corporation that is not a government but acting as a government as the people in the black robes are ACTING as judges and a lawful government (Republic) would there not be  people owned by the Corporation and people in the Republic with there freedom functing side by side, and perhaps most of the people would not even know it.  This is just a question could the corporation be made to pay the people in the Republic for the gain they got by the use of these people cars houses lives etc.  This I do not know but it is something at least I have thought about.  Every thing the corporation has is the peoples, but as long as the corporation owns them things will probably be kind of tough.  If the people woke up and undestood what was going on they could decide which group they wanted to go with. 
No war no overthrow of a government as there is no government to overthrow just two different groups of people side by side.  One group in a Corporation and another group in a Republic.  Where would that leave the people in the corporation as far as China, mentioned in the attachment.
  And where would that leave the people in the Republic.  I think it is something to think about.  I do know that in at least some cases the corporation has backed away from people who are signing in the Republic even though they do not fully understand what is going on yet.  They are just being told that a republic is being set up so to be careful what they do as they will be held accountable. 
 Now if China should come in to claim their property which side do you think the military would take the republic or China's if there homes etc. were being claimed by china.  If they took the corporations side then they would be taking china's side and the corporation gave away there homes and property if what you read in the attachment is true.  This does not mean I love the military it just means I am thinking what will they do and where is the best place for me to be.  And this is just a little more information on what is going on. 
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 4:23 AM