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Ken Klein

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What is going on and why?  I love Egypt.  I have been there many many times. In the past few years I filmed my Pyramid series there in Cairo, and fell in love with the Egyptian people.  They are a great people. When I watch TV, and the news, I see so many places where I filmed; it brings back those memories of my great adventures to that ancient land.  It saddens me to think that it is possible; I may never be able to visit there again.
Egypt is perhaps the greatest and most mysterious country in the world. I love the place, because it is home to the last remaining wonder of the world; the great pyramid. The great pyramid is the only stone oracle in the world, and is literally a prophecy written in stone. (Read Isa 19 which gives a perfect description of the great pyramid.)

It is a message to the world of so many things, but the most important is the fact that it points to where the great angel war in our galaxy (mentioned in Rev. 12 took place) It greatly saddens me that if the Egyptian government falls into the wrong hands the possibility for people to visit the great stone monument/oracle to contemplate first hand the hidden meaning of it will be no more.

                                         But why is this happening?

Have you noticed how our own government eliminates from the computation of core inflation the cost of food and energy from its calculations? Why does it do this?  The supermarket does not lie. The price of food is surging and the cost of gas is on its way up too, but they try to tell us inflation is under control. Wow! Talk about propaganda. The government is trying to hide the real truth about the real value of the dollar.

The events in the Middle East are escalating, because for no other reason then the cost of food. People are at unrest because they cannot find food to eat. Food prices in Egypt are skyrocketing, and becoming impossible for the average person to financially cope with. The prices are going way out of hand; hence the rioting. What would you do if you couldn't eat or feed your family?

Don't get me wrong.  I am not for dictatorships, and for sure this crisis is forcing the hand of the current regime, but the danger is that a political vacuum could be filled with something worse; something that could cause even deeper financial trouble for the Egyptian people.
But why are food prices escalating? The answer is because of the American dollar. The American dollar is the world's reserve currency. Egypt does business in the dollar preferably, and not in their own currency. When the dollar falls it takes more dollars to purchase anything.

In our own country we are witnessing the same escalation of both food and gas. When wheat prices in America are doubling every seven months and corn is going up 90% yearly, we are facing the same monetary problem as in Egypt. The cost of food has to go up because dollars are simply becoming worth-less. It takes more cash when there is a dilution of currency. So we think the prices are going up rather then seeing the dollar going down. The dollar is losing purchasing power both here and abroad.

The Federal Reserve is diluting our dollars and it is affecting the whole world. The profligate spending of our government, and the monetizing of that spending by the FED's printing money; as it attempts to fix our fiscal short falls, is now blatantly manifesting in Egypt.  America's Federal Reserve is the culprit behind the terrible rioting in Cairo.

Ron Paul who is seeking an audit of the FED is on track to help uncover this terrible monopolistic and world wide dilemma.

The dollar has no where to go but down. Expect higher food and gas prices ahead in the United States as well.


Jan. 30, 2011