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The Second Islamic Revolution begins in Tunisia

Kevin Barrett, TruthJihad

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han the Iranian Revolution of 1979″ and adds: “As usual, the important news from the region is being ignored by US television news.”

In fact, the US mainstream media doesn’t report Middle East news. It just vomits up Zionist propaganda. Whatever you see (or don’t see) on US-dominated news channels is there (or not there) to serve the interests of apartheid Greater Israel and its US colony. And the reason the Tunisian revolution is not there is simple:  The more publicity it gets, the faster it will spread to the other Zio-American neo-colonies in the region.

To the extent the Zio-American mouthpieces are talking about the fall of the ultra-secularist Tunisian regime–until yesterday the last remaining overtly anti-Islamic regime in the Muslim world now that Turkey is being reclaimed by its people–they are nervously reassuring themselves that this is not an Islamist revolution,the people just want more blue jeans and McDonalds, ad nauseum. Such commentators have their heads in the proverbial sand; though they may be seeing a few grains accurately, they miss the big picture. Of course it is too early to say what will emerge directly from the current chaos. But in the long run, Tunisia will be going the way of Turkey–away from forced secularization by a brutal military dictatorship, and toward some form of Islamic democracy. Similar revolutions, with similar outcomes, are likely to follow throughout the region.

I hope and suspect that this second Islamic revolution will be more practical and moderate and peaceful than the first one. The governments that emerge may look more like Turkey than Iran. But I also hope and expect that this second Islamic revolution will hold to its ideals and to the aspirations of people in the Muslim-majority countries for:

* An end to the Zionist settler colony and the return of Palestine to the Palestinians.

* A move away from colonially-imposed Western legal traditions, toward indigenous Islamic ones.

* A rejection of any form of imperial-colonial interference in the Muslim-majority countries, starting with the ejection of all foreign military forces and bases from Muslim lands.

*  A prohibition of usurious banker-issued currencies, and a move toward the Islamic gold dinar and silver dirham as the only lawful currencies in Muslim lands  (and the only thing acceptable in exchange for oil and other resources).

* The gradual, peaceful re-unification of the Muslim-majority countries following the model of the EU: common markets, common currency, common citizenship, and so on.

The Muslim-majority countries already have all the necessary bases of unity: A common religion, a common language (Arabic, which every educated Muslim must learn and which is in easy reach thanks to the internet and satellite TV), a common currency (the gold dinar and silver dirham, mandated by shariah), and more than a billion people who think of themselves as Muslims first and ethnic/national groups secondarily if at all. Despite all the nationalist propaganda Muslims get from their Zionist-puppet rulers, an overwhelming majority–two-thirds according to one poll–want to “unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate.”

How long can the Zionists succeed in playing the divide-and-conquer card against such popular aspirations for Islamic unity? And when is the USA going to cut its losses, end its support for the globally-reviled Zionists, and throw its full support behind its fellow monotheists of the emerging Islamic Caliphate — the perfect energy-rich bulwark against America’s Chinese and Indian competitors?

Jan. 16, 2011