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U.S. and China economic relationship benefits both: Geithner ...

Kelly Blogspot

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Xinhua cited Tim Geithner U.S. Treasury Secretary as saying that the economic relationship between the United States and China provides tremendous benefits to both nations.

Geithner at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington ahead of Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States next week said ""China presents enormous economic opportunities for the United States and for the world.""

He said that ""This state visit takes place at a time of important transition for the world economy, for the Chinese economy and, of course, for the American economy.""

Geithner indicated that the visit comes against the backdrop that the global economy is facing new dynamics of growth because of the financial crisis and global economic slowdown. He said that the global economy is emerging from the financial crisis, but the crisis has left lasting scars that will take years to repair and it has left a growing gap between the growth trajectories of the large developed economies and the rapidly growing emerging economies.

He added that ""These growth dynamics and will fundamentally change the balance in the world economy forcing changes in the architecture of the trade and financial systems.""

Talking about U.S. economic relationship with China in the context of the changing global economy, Geithner said that even though we compete in many areas, our economic strengths are largely complementary.

He said that China faces a very complicated set of challenges as it transitions toward a more market-oriented economy. He added that ""But It is very much in our interest and the world's interest that China manages these challenges successfully.""

Geithner stressed that the prosperity of Americans depends overwhelmingly on the economic policies they pursue to strengthen American competitiveness. He said that ""Even as we work to encourage further reforms in China we need to understand that our strength as a nation will depend not on choices made by China leaders but on the choices we make here at home.""

He also said ""Fundamentally, how many jobs and how much wealth we create will be the result of the choices we make in the United States not the choices of others.""

Geithner noted that over the past few decades, China has emerged as a major economic force and it was benefiting from the U.S. economy. The relationship between the two major economies in the world is deeply interdependent.

He said that ""China needs the United States, but the United States also benefits very substantially from our rapidly expanding economic relationship with China. He added that in 2011, the US is on track to export more than USD 100 billion worth of goods and services to China.”

He also said ""Our exports to China are growing at twice the rate of our exports to the rest of the world. We have a great deal invested in each other's success.""

Geithner acknowledged that the Chinese government has adopted a comprehensive program of reforms to rebalance the economy and shift growth to domestic demand. He said that ""This transition will take time, but it is already having a major impact on the shape of Chinese growth, and providing increased opportunities for American companies.""

Geithner said that although there are challenges and friction, China's rise offers the U.S. the opportunity of dramatic growth in demand for things Americans create and produce. He said that ""We should welcome both the opportunity and the challenge.""

Jan. 17, 2011