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Strained US China Relations: China s Crucial Role as America’s Creditor

Prof. James Petras

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ionists, as well as through the $6.4 billion-dollar advanced arms sales to Taiwan, a virtual protectorate of the US Navy. President Obama has publicly met with and openly backed these separatist and secessionists groups, flaunting Washington s refusal to recognize China s existing borders.  This is part of the US strategy of encouraging the physical break-up of independent nations, which are viewed as obstacles to its program of global military empire building.

In addition to continuing and escalating the hostile policies of his predecessor, the Obama Administration has exploited several other issues in order to rally American public opinion and mobilize overseas allies behind its confrontational posture.  First, the Obama Administration claims that China s currency (the Renminbi) is artificially undervalued to give Chinese exports an unfair price advantage, thus undercutting US manufacturing exports and costing millions of American jobs . And secondly, the Administration claims that, after the US had opened its domestic manufacturing market to Chinese firms, the Chinese would not reciprocate and open their financial sectors to Wall Street investment banks.

In retaliation for growing Chinese exports, Washington has raised protective tariffs on steel pipes and automobile tires, and issued Congressional threats of further protectionist measures.

The US has insists that other nations support its aggressive policy toward Iran, including imposing trade, investment and financial sanctions, supporting the provocative US naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and backing Israel s bellicose threats to bomb Teheran. In contrast, China rejects economic sanctions, in favor of negotiations, while increasing its trade and investments in strategic sectors of the Iranian economy.  In the United Nations Security Council, the US has exerted diplomatic and mass media pressure to forceChina to vote for a Zionist-authored proposal of wide-reaching sanctions against Iran.  Obama refuses to accept China s rejection of the US military-driven policy of regime change and the Chinese pursuit of free trade with Iran.

The US Administration s selective definition of self-determination includes giving support to secessionist ethno-religious regional movements in China, while, at the same time, invading and occupying independent states, like Iraq and Afghanistan, ordering missile attacks on other states, like Pakistan and Somalia, establishing over 700 military bases world-wide with extra-territorial jurisdiction and engaging in assassinations of its opponents abroad via the CIA and Special Forces.

In contrast, China is not at war and opposes military invasions of sovereign states.  China does not have overseas military bases and is menaced by the US policy of encircling China s frontiers with American bases in client states in Northeast, Southeast and Central Asia. 

While US military occupation forces brutally violate human rights of millions of citizens in occupied or targeted countries, and threaten the civil rights of critical Americans with arbitrary rulings, secret trials and the suspension of habeas corpus, the Obama regime excoriates China for its prosecution of opposition activists.

Read the full article.

March 8, 2010