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By Hank Roth

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ed. If not the U.S. would have put UN inspectors back on the ground but that would prevent George and his cohorts from doing their dirty deed.

George Bush says he saved Iraq for democracy and brought debriefed Iraqi exiles to Iraq to create this new government. Wrapped up in all this are financial kickbacks, political pay-backs, cronyism, a lot ideology and most of it pro-U.S. and while the U.S. propaganda minister continues to claim that the U.S. will not impose a government the opposite is likely. At least they will try.

Why should this occupation be any different than any the U.S. has been a party to before? And if the Iraqis have the guts to establish some kind of governing body quite different from what Washington wants the CIA will simply assassinate this new leader or arrange a coup. It wouldn't be the first time.

Washington thought it had a government in Iraq that would serve American interests when it supported Saddam Hussein.

"Despite its strong ties to the USSR, Iraq turned to the West for support in the war with Iran. This it received massively. As Saddam Hussein later revealed, the United States and Iraq decided to re-establish diplomatic relations---broken off after the 1967 war with Israel--just before Iraq's invasion of Iran in 1980 (the actual implementation was delayed for a few more years in order not to make the linkage too explicit). Diplomatic relations between the United States and IRaq were formally restored in 1984--well after the United States knew, and a UN team confirmed, that Iraq was using chemical weapons against the Iranian troops. (The emissary sent by U.S. president Reagan to negotiate the arrangements was none other than the present U.S. defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld.) In 1982, the U.S. State Department removed Iraq from its list of `state sponsors of terrorism,' and fought off efforts by the U.S. Congress to put it back on the list in 1985. Most crucially, the United States blocked condemnation of IRaq's chemical attacks in the UN Security Council. The United States was the SOLE COUNTRY TO VOTE AGAINST A 1986 SECRUITY COUNCIL STATEMENT CONDEMNING IRAQ'S USE OF MUSTARD GAS AGAINST IRANIAN TROOPS--an atrocity in which it now emerges the United States was directly implicated." [Research Unit for Political Economy - "Behind the Invasion of Iraq" - 2003]

AGAIN Donald Rumsfeld is concerned with the government of Iraq. No longer an apologist and supporter of Saddam Hussein who has been deposed by George Bush's military, but now to design from the bottom down a new government that will be aided and guided in it's reconstruction by the U.S. military, Centcom commander General Tommy Franks who will be in charge of the entire project and retired Lt General Jay Garner, a staunch supporter of Israel who will be the commander of reconstruction and his military underlings, including a whole lot of Republicans and businessmen to make sure Iraq has a FREE Iraq government of exiles which will SERVE AMERICAN INTERESTS.

Hank Roth
