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Trump Campaign Optimistic About New Supporters


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Trump Campaign Optimistic About New Supporters

The Trump campaign is reportedly excited about the possibility for new voters. The optimism stems from the demographics attending Trump's latest rally.

According to Fox News:

Despite the numerous controversies that have enveloped the administration since its inception – and the risk that the drumbeat of negative coverage could turn off supporters in 2020 – new presidential rally data, shared with Fox News, is boosting campaign hopes.

"President Trump’s clear record of accomplishment for the American people should appeal to all voters, including those who did not vote in 2016,” said Kayleigh McEnany, newly named press secretary for the Trump campaign. "Thanks to President Trump, Americans are now benefiting from new jobs, bigger paychecks, leadership on the world stage, and the confirmation of Constitution-abiding judges.”

The Republican National Committee’s analysis of data from the president’s rally in El Paso last month — his first of the year — showed nearly a quarter of those who attended did not vote in any of the past four elections, including 2016. The numbers also showed that another 25 percent of those who attended the rally only voted in one out of the past four elections.

Of those who RSVP’d to the rally, 70 percent were Hispanic and nearly 50 percent were female. Additionally, 60 percent were between 26 and 55 years old, according to the RNC. Party officials see them as new voters available to them in 2020, especially since they were interested enough in Trump to attend a rally.

The RNC is using this new information to follow up with voters and help President Trump's chances in 2020.