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J.D. Heyes

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Nov. 29, 2016


(NaturalNews) It sickens me to know that far too many of my fellow Americans actually believe the hoax mainstream media's claims that supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump are ill-behaved, racist, bigoted and violent thugs seeking to impose their views on the rest of the country.


It sickens me because it is so demonstrably false.


During the campaign, Trump supporters were regularly blamed for creating scenes and causing violence during campaign events. But as we and others in the independent media have reported, it was supporters of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton who were responsible for much of the violence (see a video compilation of Clinton Left-wing allies committing violent acts here).


And that violence hasn't stopped since the election, either. Despite the fact that Trump beat Clinton fair and square, the harassment and threats of new violence from the left continues. In fact, as World Net Daily (WND) reported, the violence has escalated to actual threats of death against Electoral College members who are tasked with casting their ballot for Trump.




The violent, thuggish political Left won't accept its loss




One of Michigan's 16 electors who is to be called upon to cast a vote that validates Trump's victory in the state (and its electoral votes), has said on video that he and others in his state are receiving "dozens and dozens of death threats" from supporters of Clinton, who are in turn urging them to violate their oath and cast a ballot instead for the loser.


The Electoral College convenes Dec. 19 to cast their votes for either Trump or Clinton, depending on which state they are from. While there is no constitutional provision requiring electors to cast ballots for the presidential and vice presidential candidates who won their states, historically, electors have always voted the way their state went.


That said, WND noted that more than a dozen states have no laws that make it illegal for electors to change their votes, while still others have only implemented minor penalties such as a fine for doing so.


Enter the left-wing radicals and sore losers who are now attempting to disrupt this process because they cannot accept what most of the rest of the country accepts: Trump won and Clinton couldn't close the deal. If they can get enough of the 163 electors from states that Trump won to switch their votes to Clinton, then she will be the one inaugurated on Jan. 20.


And at that point, we may very well see some violence from Trump supporters.


But that doesn't matter for the dark Leftists who arrogantly think only their political goals and objectives are the right ones. They would rather steal the election for Clinton and plunge the nation into chaos, than accept the election results just as they implored Trump to do before the Nov. 8 election.

Here's hoping Attorney General Sessions prosecutes these cowardly losers

Michigan elector Michael Banerian, 22, told The Detroit News that he has received threatening emails – many of them from people telling him to vote for Clinton instead of Trump, the latter of whom he is pledged to support.


"You have people saying 'you're a hateful bigot, I hope you die,'" he said. "I've had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I've received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive."


The Detroit News reported that it had verified one message that contained a death wish and another containing a bona fide death threat, in which the sender told Banerian he would "put a bullet" in his mouth. The young elector said he deleted the rest of the emails and messages, "because as you can imagine they're clogging up my email."


The political science senior at Oakland University went on to say that he wouldn't change his ballot even if he could, because "the people of Michigan spoke, and it's our job to deliver that message."


As WND noted, electors in other states, including Georgia and Arizona, have also been harassed and threatened.


If he survives this unorthodox challenge and actually gets to the White House, here is hoping that Trump's attorney general-select, Sen. Jeff Sessions, takes the time to track these cowards down and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law – for the threats to the lives of electors and to the integrity of our political system.

