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Conway: Sessions Will Fix 'Politicized' DOJ

Jason Devaney

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Nov. 18, 2016

Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has been chosen to serve as attorney general under President-elect Donald Trump when he takes office, will fix the "politicized" Department of Justice, Trump transition team advisor Kellyanne Conway said.

During an appearance on Fox News' "The Five," Conway told the hosts Sessions will right what the team sees are some wrongs.

"In the case of Jeff Sessions in the Department of Justice, I think it's been a very politicized department of late," Conway said. "Hopefully he can bring it back to the calibration where it should be. He has been a well-respected federal prosecutor for 15 years, obviously a United States senator from Alabama for about 20 years. U.S. attorney, I believe, from Alabama.


"This is a man who spent his life in legislation, and law enforcement. I have gotten to know him in his legislative capacity and certainly as two of the members of Mr. Trump's core team joined the campaign. I think they are excellent choices."


Conway's remark about the DOJ being "politicized" may have been referencing the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. The FBI twice recommended that charges not be filed against her. There was talk, however, about the department colluding with the Clintons to get her off the hook.


Trump tapped Sessions to lead the justice department on Friday, replacing current Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The president-elect also named Rep. Mike Pompeo Friday as the director of the CIA, and on Thursday he chose Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as his national security advisor.


The pushback regarding Sessions, however, has been fierce. Critics point to allegations that Sessions made racist comments in the 1980s, a charge he has denied.

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts even called on Trump to rescind Sessions' nominationbecause of the 30-year-old allegations.