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Rebel of Oz

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Nov. 10, 2016



Normally, I don’t care more about US presidential elections than about NBL finals, Oscars, Miss Universe pageants or WWF SmackDowns, in other words, I couldn’t care less. This time around it was different. It wasn't just the usual mindless and meaningless goy entertainment. Trump versus Clinton was a decisive battle between good and evil. Needless to say, what I think who is who.



I must admit that I never trusted Trump, but that is just me being paranoid. It’s a side effect of working in the truth industry for over 10 years. The fact that he has so many Chosenites orbiting him is obviously highly suspicious. So is that he is still alive.

I’m sure Hillary would have killed him in a heart-beat, if she had her way. For some reason, though, she did not dare to, or she thought that it was not needed. This was the first US election this century that wasn’t stolen. We can only speculate why.

The election was decided in Florida. If Clinton had thought that she could win that state with the click of a mouse, thanks paperless electronic voting machines, she would have been less nervous.

In theory, it could have been a battle between vote machine hackers on both sides. However, I’m more inclined to believe, that she did not dare to cheat. Otherwise, she would have been more confident till the end.

The first reaction amongst most people I spoke to was that they were very surprised. At my son’s school the bets amongst students were 3:1. (He is very happy with his Dad for making him bet on the right horse.)

The unison “explanation” for Trump’s “shocking” win is that America was not ready for a woman for president. I couldn’t stop laughing when I first heard this. What a load of kosher pork!

A country that elects twice (!) a cocaine-addict compulsively lying black, gay-as-a-pink-poodle male prostitute, born overseas and married to a tranny, wouldn’t have a problem electing a female, especially if she feigns concern all the disadvantaged of this world, especially woman or at least non-White. I’m sure the fully vaccinated, Aspartame-guzzling libtards I gave exactly that response won’t talk to me again. Not much of a loss!

I suspect the reason why Clinton didn’t get Trump wet-jobbed nor dared to steal the election is that she wasn’t allowed to. She must have been under enormous pressure to play fair, well, as fair as Hillary can. The people who threatened her must have a lot of power and must have massively threatened her if she doesn’t play by the rules.

So who has that much leverage on Hillary? They must be even more powerful than the J-Team, who roots for her. The 1 million dollar question, then, is who is more powerful than the J-Team and wants the kosher nostra out. Maybe the ninja man is right.

According to Benjamin Fulford and Steve Piecezenik the Trump election was a counter-coup of the “good guys” in the US military and intelligence community against the “Khazarian mafia”. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden supposedly were their men used to feed the public with damaging information on the kosher nostra. In other words, we are witnessing a revolution pre-dominantly fought online. Keep firing guys! Heaven on Earth is a #WorldWithoutJews.