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Allison Hillman

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Nov. 3, 2016

Everyone to your life rafts!”

“Every man and woman for themselves!”

“This ship is going down!”

That is just a snippet of what we imagine to be the conversations happening all around the nation within the offices of DNC members.










Jumping Ship!

The DNC and Hillary are certainly no strangers to scandal at this point. These days, news reporters can barely keep up with crimes of the Democrats. The party is reaching new lows, practically pushing each other out of the way to commit fraud and lie to the voters. Meanwhile, continuing to try and only show the world what the Republicans are supposedly doing wrong.

They would like Americans to believe that only the Republicans are guilty. There are many problems with this, beginning with all of the evidence available.

Just a few days ago, the story broke that Democrats were returning contribution money. Returning money? Why on earth would they do that? It may have something to do with the fact that the tens of thousands of dollars from the personal injury lawyers of the Thornton Law Firm was money the partners received in illegal reimbursements.

Campaign finance rules prohibit companies like Thornton from giving more than $2,700 to any singular candidate. Straw donor practices easily allow the firms to get around the rule. We wouldn’t want laws to get in the way of lawyers and money.


In Boston, it was uncovered that the law firm gave their partners bonuses the same day they donated to the campaigns–in the same amounts.

Dirty money given to dirty politicians from dirty lawyers. Perfect headline for Democrats.

High profile Senators and candidates have rushed to “donate” the money they received to the Department of Treasury. This is a common method of “dumping” tainted money from a campaign.

The Democrats involved in this scandal include:

  • Florida Rep. Patrick Murphy
  • Former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto
  • Pennsylvania Senate hopeful Katie McGinty
  • New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan
  • Former Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold

These candidates all have something very important in common: they are fighting for swing-state seats in Senate races.




America demands an end

If wrongdoing stopped there, it would be more than enough to disqualify these people when you go to cast your vote.

It did not; it went much further.

Already these unethical donations made the small Thornton firm, which boasts just ten partners, one of the country’s largest dollar for dollar political donors.

It turns out this is not the first time that this particular law firm helped out Democrats.


The Boston Globe revealed that “between 2010 and 2014, three of the firm’s partners gave $1.6M to mostly Democratic candidates. During that same period of time, those same three partners received $1.4M in bonuses from the law firm, in what appears to be reimbursement for their hefty donations.”

As this story broke, it encouraged other people to come forward and admit their involvement.

Viveca Novak, who reported the story for the Center for Responsive Politics, told

This may not be an isolated case and is likely not the only one of employees being reimbursed for contributions to candidates. We’ve received emails since the story was published that employees at other companies were pressured to make donations and were told they’d be reimbursed. We always thought it was a much bigger problem, but it is hard to flush out.

So here we are with Democrats promptly abandoning ship and handing the money over to the Treasury.


Not all of the Democrats, though.

Not me!

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, and best friend to Hillary Clinton, is standing strong and defending her actions. She says she will not return the money until it is proven to be illegal.

This is the same Senator who has spent her career sitting on the high horse of condemning hidden money in politics.

Elizabeth Warren’s hypocrisy aside, this is a very serious situation. Lawyers representing public interest from The Campaign Legal Center have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

This is certainly just the beginning of uncovering the truth of the Democrats’ campaign practices.

The problem we are currently faced with is that the election is 5 days away. Judith Ingram of the Federal Election Commission told reporters that there is a lengthy process to review these complaints for merit and next steps. A complete investigation is exactly what we want and need. It will hopefully continue until they have discovered the whole truth. The election though, is next week.

We don’t have time.

The Democrats in battleground states have been using filthy money to fund their campaigns. There is absolutely no way to know that this money hasn’t swayed the election in their favor.

Voters in these states need to be aware. They must know the truth before they walk into the voting booth. Information in this election is crucial because the Democrats have done such a good job at muddying the waters around the real issues.

There is no telling how deep this goes. As of today, we absolutely have enough information to know a few very important facts:

  • The Democratic party as a whole, cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
  • The money that their campaigns use is not all from legal contributions.

The only way to send them a clear message that we will not condone their actions: vote Republican.

We need Donald Trump now more than ever. Corruption in politics has gotten so bad that many people don’t even bat an eye when we see shocking revelations like this one.

On November 8th, we have the opportunity to drain the swamp and root out all of this corruption. We have been given an opportunity, we should take advantage of it!