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Glenn Beck: Trump Headed To Big Victory As FBI Investigation Sinks Clinton

Gerry Urbanek

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Oct. 31, 2016

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck issued a prediction Monday likely to shock many of his listeners: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will manage a five-point victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton come Nov. 8.

“The race is over,” Beck said during his syndicated program.

“It has to be over, right?” asked co-host Stu Burguiere.

“The race is over … Trump is going to win this thing,” reiterated Beck, who has fiercely opposed the GOP nominee.

According to Beck and Burguiere, while Trump was likely trailing Clinton by eight points just one week prior, the reopening of Clinton’s FBI investigation has likely unraveled her campaign and reversed any lead.

“Let’s say that he was eight points, that’s fair to say, eight points behind last week,” Beck said.

“He should win this by five points,” he declared.

The Clinton camp has tried to downplay the FBI’s announcement Friday about new evidence into Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. The new information emerged from the bureau’s investigation into allegations that former Congressman Anthony Weiner sent illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl. Weiner is the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Burguiere noted the overwhelming weight of what amounts to three FBI investigations will likely prove insurmountable.

“Well, really there’s three separate investigations swirling around her — with the Weiner thing going on; with the Clinton Foundation, which is another one that’s kind of going on; and now this one,” said Burguiere.

“Even if this one goes away, if she were elected … I’m telling you a vote for Clinton is a vote for [Virginia Sen. Tim] Kaine,” said Beck, implying Clinton would be immediately impeached and replaced by her running mate. “I hoped you liked Kaine in the debates because if she’s elected, he’s going to be your president.”

“Sure, they’re going to do their typical stuff to try to muddy the waters. And I’ve heard some of the Clinton people out there trying to do that. … But the bottom line, this fits perfectly into what — a perfect campaign issue. You have a completely nondescript, open-ended problem that Trump can put any face on it he wants,” Burguiere commented.

Beck said he believes most of the media have grown tired of protecting Clinton.

“It’s too much. The press has had it … They’ve had it,” he said. “I really believe the Clintons have overplayed their hand and outstayed their welcome with the press.”

“How can the next president face a possible collapsing economy, possible war with Russia, and a current war with ISIS? Oh, and also be under FBI investigation and indictment? Can’t. Can’t,” Beck concluded.