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Clinton insider abandons Hillary on live TV


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Oct. 30, 2016

Longtime Clinton confidante and former Democratic pollster Doug Schoen told Fox News the newly renewed FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server is forcing him to “reassess” his support for the Democratic nominee for president.

Schoen, a Fox News contributor, made the comments to host Harris Faulkner during a live television appearance Sunday night on “Fox Report Weekend.”

SCHOEN: “As you know, I have been a supporter of Secretary Clinton … but, and the ‘but’ is a big deal at least to me, given that this investigation is going to go on for many months after the election … if the secretary of state wins, we will have a president under criminal investigation, with Huma Abedin under criminal investigation, with the secretary of state, the president-elect, should she win under investigation.

Harris, under these circumstances, I am actively reassessing my support. I’m not a Trump …”

FAULKNER: “Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. You are not going to vote for Hillary Clinton?”

SCHOEN: “Harris, I’m deeply concerned that we’ll have a constitutional crisis if she’s elected.”


Schoen, a White House adviser to former President Bill Clinton, then declared: “I want to learn more this week. See what we see. But as of today, I am not a supporter of the secretary of state for the nation’s highest office.”

Shoen told Harris he’s known the Clintons since 1994, but that he has been “forced” to reconsider his support “because of the impact on the governance of the country and our international situation.”

“Hillary is going to be elected!”

Schoen’s announcement is a stunning about-face from remarks he made to Sean Hannity during a TV appearance on Fox News just 48 hours earlier.

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Appearing on “Hannity,” along with Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro and Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice, Schoen defiantly declared: “Hillary is going to be elected!”

SCHOEN: “She’s been under criminal investigation by the FBI for the bulk of the campaign and, you know, she’s had a steady lead. It’s 11 days out.”

HANNITY: “She may get elected. But if crimes are committed, maybe before she gets into office she’s going to be indicted. Maybe while she’s in office she’s going to be indicted. What, does Barack Hussein Obama give her a pardon as he leaves office? He could. Does she give herself a pardon?”

SCHOEN: “All of that could happen.”

HANNITY: “Really? Is that what you want for your country?”

SCHOEN: “I want her elected!”

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As a slack-jawed Pirro stared at Schoen, Sekulow interrupted and said, “I think we’re on the precipice of a constitutional crisis if a grand jury is not empaneled and this is not handled correctly within our judicial system.”

Schoen then closed out the discussion: “A special prosecutor needs to look at the FBI. It’s outrageous.”

As WND reported, FBI Director James Comey, who has been widely criticized for declining to refer criminal charges against Clinton over her use of an unapproved email system for classified information, announced on Friday that the agency is reopening the investigation. The decision, just 11 days before the presidential election, reportedly came after Comey could no longer resist mounting pressure by FBI agents described as “mutinous.”


Article printed from WND: