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The Vision Thing

Paul Edwards

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October 27, 2016 "Information Clearing House" -
That this election is an abysmal disgrace is nationally acknowledged; that it is 
absolutely unique is not, although it’s undeniable.  Never before has virtually 
the entire mainstream media avidly, emphatically endorsed one Presidential 
candidate while furiously, contemptuously vilifying the other.   Never has a 
sitting President joined in general denunciation of a candidate. 
With ten days to go it’s affirmed by most key sources that Donald Trump can’t 
win and Hillary Clinton will.  Many pundits predict a landslide for her. 
Assume it.  What then? 
The most hated President-elect ever will not be loved by the Congress she will 
confront.  Even with a majority in the Senate--just possible--and in the 
House--not--prospects for a legislative agenda, should she have one, are 
non-existent.  What Obama’s phony charm failed to achieve, Hillary’s lack of it 
will scarcely obtain.  This presages four more years of stasis and nullity, of 
social and economic rot, financial chicanery, and national decay. 
As regards the composition of the Supreme Court--the panicky Liberal pitch for 
being “with her”--unless she nominates hidebound conservatives, which is 
probable, not a single selection will be confirmed during her term. 
So... paralysis in Congress, reaction in the Court; two limbs of government 
neutralized, gives us rule by a disliked, distrusted figurehead with the full 
power of Wall Street and the Imperial War-loving Establishment behind her. 
What then will be accomplished?  First, the interests of The Empire will be 
promoted at least as robustly as in Obama’s eight years of sycophancy.  
Including his Rube Goldbergian Obamacare, still foundering and gouging, nothing 
of any benefit to Americans was achieved under this charlatan who perfected the 
skill of describing an airplane crash as a triumph of gravity. 
So what will she do in office?  Well, start with what she won’t do.  She won’t 
make any effort to restrain The Big Casino, the Gold Sacks Mafia.  They made her 
an offer she couldn’t refuse.  She won’t attempt any closing of the inequality 
gap.  That would entail clipping her base--”Our Crowd” of the Hamptons, Palm 
Beach and Beverly Hills.  She won’t meddle with Sick Care--”fool me 
once...”--or, corporate tax enforcement.  Her Big Donors don’t want to pay them 
and why should they, right?  She can just let Labor die of its own raging 
leukemia.  College grads have to stay in their parents’ basements and service 
their college debt via Macdonalds because Arbeit Macht Frei.  No need to do 
anything about Global Warming so long as you denounce it boldly at international 
meetings.  Best leave the environment in the hands of those who can turn idle 
nature into money.  Besides, the solution to pollution is dilution and clearcuts 
grow back in a millenium or so. 
On the minor agenda, she knows there are still small poor countries who require 
our R2P and cluster bombs.  Others have resources that, with the odd military 
coup or assassination, should come on line nicely.  Africa, say, has low-hanging 
fruit, and the Latin American mess needs our firm hand to prevent Lefty 
dictators diverting perfectly good profits to their own societies. 
Turning to the major crises, Exceptionalism requires that they be made far 
bigger.  Our Defense Industries can’t be expected to muck along forever on 
paltry brushfire wars: Iraq, Afghanistan--though in fairness they’ve profuced 
steady income streams--and Libya, no bonanza, and Syria, which Putin’s 
diabolical meddling prevented blossoming as we hoped.  Still, there’s no earthly 
reason we can’t achieve a profitable Third World War simply by refusing to take 
the bait of Satanic Putin’s wimpy peace offers and calling them what they really 
are: a mortal threat to our Capitalist System. 
So much for her first Hundred Days. 
Beyond the panicked cheerleading of the Imperial Elite--those that the late, 
great George Carlin referred to as “your owners”--and their failing organs of 
crowd manipulation, and beyond the day Clinton takes office if their hopes are 
consummated, America faces a cataclysmic crisis of governance; one of the order 
of magnitude of the secession of The South under Lincoln. 
Clinton and Trump are the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of that 
crisis.  Our dead system must, and will, have catharsis.  Which of them 
precipitates it may not greatly matter.  Or it may mean everything. 
As Brutus said at Philippi: “Oh, that a man might know the end of this days 
business ere it come; but it sufficeth that the day will end and then the end is 

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at: