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oCT. 17, 2016

YOUNG CONS| Hillary Clinton knew about a CNN town hall question ahead of time.

An email was received on March 12, and the town hall took place the very next day.

DNC interim chair Donna Brazile was a CNN commentator and vice chair of the Democratic National Committee at the time.

She is responsible for feeding the question to the Clinton team, despite her pleas to the contrary.

CNN host Jake Tapper calls the situation “very, very troubling.”

From Independent Journal Review:

Brazile was revealed to be Clinton’s mole at CNN, feeding information about attacks from the Sanders campaign during the primary. But another email suggested that Brazile may have even facilitated the Clinton campaign’s access to questions ahead of televised town hall meetings.

CNN’s Jake Tapper spoke to WMAL’s Larry O’Connor and Brian Wilson about his former colleague:

“It’s a very, very troubling… look, I have tremendous regard for Donna Brazile. She’s a good person and a nice person and I like her a lot but whatever took place here… and I know I had nothing to do with it… and I know CNN, we were so closely guarding our documents… they weren’t emailed around.

My understanding is the email to Donna came from either Roland Martin or someone around Roland Martin.”

Tapper added…

It’s horrifying. Journalistically it’s horrifying and I’m sure it will have an impact on partnering with this organization in the future and I’m sure it will have and effect on… Donna Brazile is no longer with CNN because she’s with the DNC right now, but I’m sure it will have some impact on Donna Brazille.

People at CNN take this very, very seriously and to have somebody who does not take it seriously and to have us partner with that person and then they do something completely unethical and share it with Donna Brazile who then shares it with the Clinton campaign… it’s horrifying and very, very upsetting and I can’t condemn it any more than…

Also, this…

Politico reported on Wednesday that Roland Martin submitted his question for the town hall meeting to CNN producers on the day of the broadcast. His wording, punctuation, and even spacing were identical to the email that was sent to the Clinton campaign by Brazile the day before.

Hard to disagree with Tapper.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that the media is in bed with the Democrat party, and until that changes we’ll continue to see the horrors.