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Hillary's ties to Monsanto mean more GMOs, less transparency in labeling

J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 16, 2016

(NaturalNews) This year's choice of presidential candidates being offered by the two major political parties could not be more unorthodox, and clearly there are things about both of them not to like.

GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is lewd, has no filter whatsoever and prone to saying (and tweeting) whatever immediately comes into his mind. Not a politician, Trump is the last person many Republicans thought they'd see atop their party's ticket in 2016.

Then there's Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, one of the most dishonest, scandal-ridden and unexciting candidates that has ever run for the nation's highest office. But what makes her especially unappealing is her "insider/establishment" pedigree.

For instance, in recent days, thanks to data dumps by whistleblower site WikiLeaks, we now know that she has conspired with the power-hungry elite and globalists to produce a "compliant citizenry" that does what they're told, when they're told, and never questions authority. These are the people 'advising' Clinton and will no doubt be part of her administration.

'Bride of Frankenfood' has a history of Monsanto collusion

Part of citizen compliance, of course, has to do with "conspiring" with major corporations like Monsanto to poison our food chain, dumb down the people and ensure that any ill-effects from said food chain destruction is kept hidden.

As we have reported, and as has been documented in this white paper by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, along with editors of, Clinton has longstanding financial ties to Monsanto.

"Hillary Rodham Clinton's ties to agribusiness giant Monsanto, and her advocacy for the industry's genetically modified crops, have environmentalists in Iowa calling her 'Bride of Frankenfood'" reportedthe Washington Times in May 2015. "A large faction of women voiced strong support for Mrs. Clinton's candidacy until the GMO issue came up, prompting them to switch allegiances to Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a liberal stalwart challenging her for the Democratic nomination."

There's more, however. Clinton repeated all of Monsanto's favorite talking points at the 2014 Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) conference. In her speech she said she is in favor of using the company's GMO seeds and other products that have a "proven track record," even though there are no statistics to justify such broad praise. In fact, if anything, Monsanto's Roundup has been associated with the creation of superweeds that are harder to kill and are now encroaching on more crop acreage, forcing agricultural operations to use as much as 10 times the amount of toxic herbicides that would be used otherwise on normal, non-GMO crops.

As TruthWiki notes further:

Hillary tries to bleed together GMO with hybrids (traditional natural breeding methods), a typical miseducation and disinformation conversation many other biotech shills use for propaganda, such as Bill Nye, the science fraud guy, and Neal DeGrasse Tyson, also a known biotech huckster. Clinton goes so far as to say during her "BIO" presentation that all anti-GMO people are anti-science idiots who can't comprehend the "facts."

Trump has no history of destroying the country's clean food supply

There is even more. Clinton hired Jerry Crawford, a prominent long-time Monsanto lobbyist, to run her current presidential campaign. He is reportedly the force behind Monsanto's regular efforts to haul small farmers into court, in order to protect the company's growing monopoly on the world's seed market. Also, Clinton's one-time law office, the Rose Law Firm, represented Monsanto and other agri-business companies.

Besides her ties to Monsanto and the influence the corporate giant would wield in a Clinton administration, Hillary is a big believer and pusher of phony climate change/global warming, the narrative of which has changed back and forth from "global cooling" to "global warming" and then to just "climate change" so that she and every other climate hoaxer can claim any severe weather event is due to man-made activity.

So while both presidential candidates may have a list of undesirables, one – Trump – at least does not have a political history of selling the country's food supply out to corporate interests who care nothing about clean food.
