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R. Rodriguez

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Sept. 10.2016

          The Clinton name brings tragic memories not only to the American people, but also to many people in other countries as well.  Their history and record shows how, by means of lies, deception and many other dubious activities, they have influenced and controlled the political and economical conditions not only of this nation but in many other nations with the nefarious outcome that we all know.  This is a record we have no reason to feel proud of.

          Thanks to the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA their history has become well known to the American people, as well as to other people around the globe.   All that said, my fellow country men and women, we have to be very cautious and analytical with the proposals of the democratic party, where Hillary Clinton and the neocon leadership of that party are asking us to elect her.  God forbid.

          I pray that the American people wake up from their lethargy and understand that electing Hillary will be the most deadly blow to our democracy, our constitution and our liberties.  Believe me, that will be the last nail on the coffin of our great nation.  This is the agenda of the neocons and the leadership of that party.

          Meanwhile, everyone is out to demonize, criticize and attack Donald Trump.  We have to ask why?  There are so many reasons for this absurd behavior, and the space in this letter is too small to consider all of them.  But one of the main reasons, and I think the most important one is, that Donald Trump has spoken the truth.  And TPTB do not like these truths nor to have their plans exposed to the general public.  Donald Trump is clearly and undoubtedly pointing out the mistakes that all past administrations have committed, being the actual one, under Obama, the disastrous and tyrannical one.  Mr. Trump is planning to change that.


          The principles of political correctness are conveniently accepted and promoted by a majority of politicians and leaders.  And we wonder why our nation is facing so many problems and dangers, the answer is a very simple one, because we have been forced to accept and follow the wrong path.  Mr. Trump hopefully is going to change that. To hell with political correctness once and for all, let us use our common sense and adopt the policies that will bring us back to be the GREAT NATION that we used to be.  When you cannot tell the truth and call the things for what they are.  When you cannot comment or analyze the actions of others who jeopardize our security and our future then we are on the wrong track.  I think we still have time to change the destructive collision course in which we find ourselves today.

          Political correctness is ruining our country, and it is very cleverly used by many politicians, who join their voices to the choirs of neocons, who are our internal and external enemies, and their agenda with disregard to our own security and survival.  What is wrong with the senators and representative in both parties?  Why do they go along with such destructive policies?  I am guessing that for them, it is more important that they get reelected to their well paid positions, fringe benefits, as well as their positions of power, and their big pensions once their political positions come to an end.  And in many cases, giving little importance nor consideration to the well being of their constituents.

          The dilemma that we, all Americans are facing is this:  Are we willing to change this?  The choice is a simple one, either you are an American or you are an  anti-American!