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Hillary Clinton Tries To Sneak One Past Her Lemmings, Gets BUSTED By NYPD

Dawn Parabellum

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Sept. 8, 2016

While Hillary Clinton was fielding questions from NBC’s Matt Lauer and the public Wednesday night on live television, the New York Police Department noticed something strange on her body that they didn’t think should be there. After seeing what the Democrat appeared to be up to, the NYPD decided to publicly bust Hillary for what she was doing, which she thought she had successfully snuck past her lemmings.

Hillary Clinton wears “stealth communication” device during the presidential forum.

Hillary Clinton’s left ear was the focus of the NYPD, according to True Pundit, and it wasn’t because of the little gold earring she wore.  Law enforcement quickly recognized the flesh-colored, almost invisible, chunk of plastic she had shoved in her left ear. After noticing what looked like a small and almost unnoticed hearing aid in the presidential candidate’s ear, the NYPD decided to go public with what Hillary was actually doing with that earpiece.


NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,’ the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel. [via True Pundit]


Hillary Clinton’s usage of this earpiece was likely only recognizable by the most astute of law enforcement. She tried hard to slide one past us, but the American police officers are smarter than she is. Hillary was receiving “stealth coaching” during the live TV interview. Wednesday’s Commander-in-Chief Forum was full of more lies fed directly to Hillary Clinton via the earpiece which was almost impossible to detect.

Technically, you could receive cues from 100 feet away or from someone sitting in Washington D.C. while you sat in New York City, experts said. The set up and range is flexible based on need and use. The unit does not require Bluetooth to operate via short distances but long range operations would require Bluetooth, which is easily configured. [via True Pundit]


So, Hillary was  listening to communications from her campaign handlers during the forum. It’s most definitely easy to see how boldly and calmly she’s able to lie, especially now. The NYPD’s revelation isn’t surprising, but it is typical of what we have come to expect — not just from Hillary Clinton, but from leftists everywhere. The lies and borderline cheating while allowing the most corrupt politician in modern history to steal the party’s nomination is unmatched.