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August 18, 2016uhm 2 comments

Hillary’s Handler Disappears From Campaign Trail After Alt-Media Points Him Out

Jim Hoft Aug 16th, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s mysterious handler has disappeared.

In recent bizarre events on the campaign trail a strange man was noticed at Hillary Clinton’s side.

Via Mike Cernovich:

Hillary’s Handler? Brain washer?

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 7, 2016

** Danger and Play has much more.

The man is dressed like a secret service agent but his actions prove otherwise.

In a recent campaign stop in a Union Hall in front of a sparse crowd, at about the time when some liberal protesters began to protest, Hillary Clinton suddenly froze. She looked dazed and lost. Seeing this, a group of men rushed to assist the candidate on the stage. One man however gently pats the candidate’s back and then says, “Keep Talking.”

Secret Service agents walk on stage during Hillary Clinton rally

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 4, 2016

An expert on Secret Service tactics told TGP Secret Service agents would not touch a candidate in the manner that this individual did and especially Hillary Clinton. It has been widely reported on Hillary’s disdain for the agents who work to protect her. The man who touches Hillary may be a member of Hillary’s close staff – but he is NOT a Secret Service agent.

Now this…

Mike Cernovich pointed out that Hillary’s handler carries what looks like a Diazepam pen.

** Diazepam auto-injector pens are used for for Acute Repetitive Seizures.

Diazepam is prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures!

Twitter user Azusa posted this earlier.

The Ralph Retort reported:

Secret Service agent was carrying an auto-injector with Diazepam

— Azusa (@PositiveInt) August 8, 2016

Hillary’s handler was definitely carrying what looks like an auto-syringe at the DNC Convention on Hillary’s big night.

Hillary has a medic carrying diazepam? @TWA2Garp @SoonerGirl000 @PositiveInt

— Skip Trace_ (@skiptrace_) August 8, 2016

Now this…

Hillary’s mysterious handler has disappeared from the campaign trail.

He’s gone and poor Hillary is on her own.

Where’s Hillary’s handler?

Black mystery man (doctor?) hasn’t been seen since alt media pointed him out 11 days ago

— AltRighty.‍com‍ (@RealAltRighty) August 16, 2016

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August 18, 2016 at 10:18 am


Source says big announcement from Clinton campaign about her health coming soon

Paul Joseph Watson – AUGUST 15, 2016

A Secret Service source has told Infowars that Hillary Clinton has major neurological health problems and that a big announcement regarding her medical situation is coming soon.

The Secret Service source reached out to Infowars reporter Joe Biggs during the recent Republican National Convention in Cleveland and confirmed the following information;

– Hillary has a very serious neurological degeneration which could be Parkinson’s disease;

– Around half a million dollars has been spent to specially adapt three SUVs in which Hillary travels to provide lowered floors and disabled access to prevent Hillary from tripping.

– Hillary’s staff is so intent on keeping reporters away from Clinton because she is at risk of petit mal seizures that can be triggered by camera flashes;

– Hillary has major problems with balance, difficulties with walking and keeps falling down;

– Hillary’s campaign will be forced into making a big announcement soon regarding her medical condition;

– The source told us that this information was relayed to the press by others, but they were too afraid to run it, so Infowars was reached out to directly by the Secret Service in Cleveland three weeks ago because they trusted us to run this news unfiltered.

The revelations correlate with other information provided by federal agents and police officers who have worked security at Hillary events.

John Cardillo, a former officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), said he was told by a federal agent and another NYPD officer who worked security at Hillary events that Hillary had major heath problems and was often dizzy and disoriented.

Questions about Hillary’s health are intensifying following the release of our viral video which asked why Clinton has been behaving strangely in recent weeks and months.

Despite leftist media outlets attempting to portray the entire issue as a baseless “conspiracy theory,” a Rasmussen poll released last week found that 59% of Americans would like to see the Clinton campaign release Hillary’s medical records.

Watch the clip below in which Alex Jones discusses the revelations made by the Secret Service whistleblower.


August 18, 2016 at 10:26 am

I can believe the Secret Service may be behind the leaks on the supposed health of Hillary Clinton. Why? The Secret Service agents detest Hillary ‘Queen Melusina’ the fifth degree of witchcraft. Hillary has threatened and even injured Secret Service agents. Hillary is known to detest the Secret Service. Now is she ill or is this another deception? This creature of hell is looking at the possibility of jail time for her treason and perjury. When the intelligence arena want to hide figureheads then they always pull the illness and hospital scam. The Bush family are the kings of this scam! Clinton maybe realizing her days are numbered so she’s giving up on the Presidency in favor of being free from jail. The establishment can of course still place her in the White House. You can rest assured that there will be numerous body doubles or even clones. Lets just watch and see what happens. If she has to pull out then Bernie Sanders should be immediately made the opposition to Donald Trump. No one will vote for a Tim Kaine as hardly anyone wants to vote for Hillary let alone her lame duck VP choice. What a perfect time for a Pulsed Strobe LTL weapon event as used twice, once against Princess Diana and then against Prince Charles.


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