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Here’s the Trump Video That the Media DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE

Homeschool Mom

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Aug. 15, 2016

Well look at that. Trump is not a savage bigot who hates women. Go figure. This is a video that media does not want you seeing for the simple reason that it shows just how relatable Trump can be and…more importantly, how he’s NOT the big ogre people love to portray him as…

From Mad World News:

Local newspaper The Fayetteville Observer reports that Trump and Giuliani stopped at Allegra Print, Marketing, and Signs about an hour before the rally at the Crown Complex. Bruce and Kathy were extremely impressed with the attention that Trump focused on them in an attempt to understand the problems they were having keeping their business afloat.

“The Tahoe pulled in front,” said Bruce. “The Secret Service got out. They secured the area, I’m assuming. Then they opened the door and in he walked. And he toured the store. He took the time to speak to every one of our employees. Shook their hand.”

“He was like – real direct … looking at you,” Kathy said. “He was very focused.”

“We talked a lot about Obamacare,” Bruce added. “We talked a lot about our military being reduced in size and how that affected our local economy here.” Bruce went on, “I said, ‘When they shrink this – our military, it don’t just hurt our defense capabilities, but it hurts our economy. Fort Bragg’s a big part of the Fayetteville economy.’”


The side of Donald Trump we often see on television is clearly not all there is to this man. We’ve heard from several people, including Dr. Ben Carson’s endorsement, that Mr. Trump is a reserved, genuine, and thoughtful man who “considers things very carefully” when he’s not on stage firing up his supporters.

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All I know is Trump is not EVIL. Maybe he is not as qualified to run America as other Republican candidates might have been. (Maybe he is.) However, the unacceptable. Hillary IS EVIL by the very definition. Putting her in the White House will put blood on our hands…the blood of America as she is brought to her knees under Hillary’s rule. She’s fought hard through the last 8 years with Obama and barely hangs on by string right now…how can we expect her to endure a Hillary presidency?