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The Khan Man Bashed Trump On Pro-Taliban Pak TV

Wayne Madsen

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Aug. 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton's chief Muslim surrogate, Khizr Khan, the celebrated Gold Star father whose son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004, appeared recently on a pro-Taliban Pakistani television network to bash Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Khizr Khan appeared on Pakistan's Dunya News TV network on August 4. Khan said during the interview, "Allah makes people like Trump make mistakes to discredit them in public eyes forever." Khan held up a pocket edition of the U.S. Constitution to accuse Trump of violating it. However, by invoking the name of Allah to criticize Trump, Khan, himself, was violating the constitutional spirit of the separation of church (or mosque) and state. Khan told CNN's Anderson Cooper the day after his appearance on Dunya News that he and his wife would no longer be making television appearances because it was "emotionally draining." Perhaps, Khan's appearance on a pro-Taliban television network in Pakistan was also emotionally draining to the relatives of those killed in attacks by the Taliban and its allies in Al Qaeda, including the over 3000 people killed in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania on 9/11. As is usual with the CIA-controlled Wikipedia, Dunya News, operated by the National Communication Services (SMC) Pvt. Ltd. of Lahore, is described by the disinformation online encyclopedia as "unbiased."

Khizr Khan's appearance at the Democratic National Convention was followed by an interview on Pakistan's Dunya News TV. Khan said to Donald Trump on the pro-Taliban network, "You’re not acceptable to the U.S." Khan made his remarks on the program Nuqta-e-Nazar, or "Point of View," a political talk show in the Urdu language.

The owner of Dunya News is Mian Amer Mahmood, who is also the chairman of the Punjab Group of Colleges and a former nazim (administrator) of the Lahore City District Government. Khizr Khan is a graduate of the University of Punjab law school. Mian Amer became notorious at the University of Punjab as a militant for the Jamaat-e-Islami political party's youth wing, Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT), because of his habit of brandishing guns on campus along with other IJT radicals.

In 1985, Mian Amer founded the Punjab Group of Colleges, which eventually became the University of Central Punjab. Mian Amer eventually became a strong supporter of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam (PML-Q), as well as a major booster of Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. Musharraf was a supporter of the Afghan Taliban while it hosted Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda and he is considered a prime suspect in ordering the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

The IJT promoted the adoption of sharia law under Musharraf's regime. The inspirational leader of IJT and its parent Jamaat-e-Islami, Shaykh al-Hadith Maududi, preached that "Everything in the universe is 'Muslim' for it obeys Allah by submission to His laws." He added that the "stars, planets, oceans, rocks, atoms, everything, should actually be considered 'Muslims.'" Maududi's radical philosophy served as an inspiration to not only the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and Boko Haram.

On January 10, 2012, an overcrowded music concert in Lahore organized by Miam Amer's Punjab Group of Colleges resulted in a stampede in which three girls were killed. On February 7, 2012, police registered murder charges against Mian Amer for holding a concert in an overcrowded venue.

Khan ended his interview with Dunya TV by declaring, "All immigrants are against the stupid Republican candidate." Khan, who is seen as a virtuous individual, has still not explained what Mohammed Sadiq, the Washington, DC station chief for Pakistan's notorious Al Qaeda- and Taliban-supporting Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), was doing at his son's Arlington National Cemetery funeral in 2004. No less an expert on foreign counter-intelligence in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, identified the DCM at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC as a diplomatic slot for the ISI station chief. In 2011, the FBI arrested in Fairfax, Virginia, Ghulam Nabi Fai, aka "Doctor Sahib," who ran the Kashmir-American Council, cited by the FBI as an ISI front.

An FBI affidavit stated, "On January 10, 2011, Fai responded [to a request from another ISI agent, Fozia Bibi, the Third Secretary of the Embassy of Pakistan] by noting that he had 'requested the DCM' for the list of names, and that he would try to contact the individuals that he did not yet know. The names of the individuals were on a list of 11 media persons and six intellectuals from think tanks.

An FBI agent stated in the affidavit, "I believe that Fai's reference to 'DCM' referred to the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Pakistani Embassy." The FBI was confirming that the DCM was, in fact, the lead ISI agent at the embassy.

What was the ISI station chief in Washington, Mohammed Sadeq, doing at Captain Khan's funeral at Arlington Cemetery? The ISI supported the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

In 2001, ISI wired $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta's bank account to help facilitate the 9/11 attack scenario. Instead of Donald Trump having to explain himself to Khizr Khan, perhaps it is time for Khizr Khan to come clean about his links to organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Sharia law journal he co-founded, the pro-Taliban Dunya News of Pakistan, and the 9/11 facilitator, the ISI of Pakistan. If Khan were not so connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign, his links to radical Islamists would make him a prime candidate for revocation of citizenship and deportation.


Hillary Clinton's chief Muslim surrogate, Khizr Khan, the celebrated Gold Star father whose son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004, appeared recently on a pro-Taliban Pakistani television network to bash Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Khizr Khan appeared on Pakistan's Dunya News TV network on August 4. Khan said during the interview, "Allah makes people like Trump make mistakes to discredit them in public eyes forever." Khan held up a pocket edition of the U.S. Constitution to accuse Trump of violating it. However, by invoking the name of Allah to criticize Trump, Khan, himself, was violating the constitutional spirit of the separation of church (or mosque) and state. Khan told CNN's Anderson Cooper the day after his appearance on Dunya News that he and his wife would no longer be making television appearances because it was "emotionally draining." Perhaps, Khan's appearance on a pro-Taliban television network in Pakistan was also emotionally draining to the relatives of those killed in attacks by the Taliban and its allies in Al Qaeda, including the over 3000 people killed in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania on 9/11. As is usual with the CIA-controlled Wikipedia, Dunya News, operated by the National Communication Services (SMC) Pvt. Ltd. of Lahore, is described by the disinformation online encyclopedia as "unbiased."

Khizr Khan's appearance at the Democratic National Convention was followed by an interview on Pakistan's Dunya News TV. Khan said to Donald Trump on the pro-Taliban network, "You’re not acceptable to the U.S." Khan made his remarks on the program Nuqta-e-Nazar, or "Point of View," a political talk show in the Urdu language.

The owner of Dunya News is Mian Amer Mahmood, who is also the chairman of the Punjab Group of Colleges and a former nazim (administrator) of the Lahore City District Government. Khizr Khan is a graduate of the University of Punjab law school. Mian Amer became notorious at the University of Punjab as a militant for the Jamaat-e-Islami political party's youth wing, Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT), because of his habit of brandishing guns on campus along with other IJT radicals.

In 1985, Mian Amer founded the Punjab Group of Colleges, which eventually became the University of Central Punjab. Mian Amer eventually became a strong supporter of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam (PML-Q), as well as a major booster of Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. Musharraf was a supporter of the Afghan Taliban while it hosted Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda and he is considered a prime suspect in ordering the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

The IJT promoted the adoption of sharia law under Musharraf's regime. The inspirational leader of IJT and its parent Jamaat-e-Islami, Shaykh al-Hadith Maududi, preached that "Everything in the universe is 'Muslim' for it obeys Allah by submission to His laws." He added that the "stars, planets, oceans, rocks, atoms, everything, should actually be considered 'Muslims.'" Maududi's radical philosophy served as an inspiration to not only the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and Boko Haram.

On January 10, 2012, an overcrowded music concert in Lahore organized by Miam Amer's Punjab Group of Colleges resulted in a stampede in which three girls were killed. On February 7, 2012, police registered murder charges against Mian Amer for holding a concert in an overcrowded venue.

Khan ended his interview with Dunya TV by declaring, "All immigrants are against the stupid Republican candidate." Khan, who is seen as a virtuous individual, has still not explained what Mohammed Sadiq, the Washington, DC station chief for Pakistan's notorious Al Qaeda- and Taliban-supporting Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), was doing at his son's Arlington National Cemetery funeral in 2004. No less an expert on foreign counter-intelligence in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, identified the DCM at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC as a diplomatic slot for the ISI station chief. In 2011, the FBI arrested in Fairfax, Virginia, Ghulam Nabi Fai, aka "Doctor Sahib," who ran the Kashmir-American Council, cited by the FBI as an ISI front.

An FBI affidavit stated, "On January 10, 2011, Fai responded [to a request from another ISI agent, Fozia Bibi, the Third Secretary of the Embassy of Pakistan] by noting that he had 'requested the DCM' for the list of names, and that he would try to contact the individuals that he did not yet know. The names of the individuals were on a list of 11 media persons and six intellectuals from think tanks.

An FBI agent stated in the affidavit, "I believe that Fai's reference to 'DCM' referred to the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Pakistani Embassy." The FBI was confirming that the DCM was, in fact, the lead ISI agent at the embassy.

What was the ISI station chief in Washington, Mohammed Sadeq, doing at Captain Khan's funeral at Arlington Cemetery? The ISI supported the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

In 2001, ISI wired $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta's bank account to help facilitate the 9/11 attack scenario. Instead of Donald Trump having to explain himself to Khizr Khan, perhaps it is time for Khizr Khan to come clean about his links to organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Sharia law journal he co-founded, the pro-Taliban Dunya News of Pakistan, and the 9/11 facilitator, the ISI of Pakistan. If Khan were not so connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign, his links to radical Islamists would make him a prime candidate for revocation of citizenship and deportation.



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Hillary Clinton's chief Muslim surrogate, Khizr Khan, the celebrated Gold Star father whose son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004, appeared recently on a pro-Taliban Pakistani television network to bash Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Khizr Khan appeared on Pakistan's Dunya News TV network on August 4. Khan said during the interview, "Allah makes people like Trump make mistakes to discredit them in public eyes forever." Khan held up a pocket edition of the U.S. Constitution to accuse Trump of violating it. However, by invoking the name of Allah to criticize Trump, Khan, himself, was violating the constitutional spirit of the separation of church (or mosque) and state. Khan told CNN's Anderson Cooper the day after his appearance on Dunya News that he and his wife would no longer be making television appearances because it was "emotionally draining." Perhaps, Khan's appearance on a pro-Taliban television network in Pakistan was also emotionally draining to the relatives of those killed in attacks by the Taliban and its allies in Al Qaeda, including the over 3000 people killed in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania on 9/11. As is usual with the CIA-controlled Wikipedia, Dunya News, operated by the National Communication Services (SMC) Pvt. Ltd. of Lahore, is described by the disinformation online encyclopedia as "unbiased."

Khizr Khan's appearance at the Democratic National Convention was followed by an interview on Pakistan's Dunya News TV. Khan said to Donald Trump on the pro-Taliban network, "You’re not acceptable to the U.S." Khan made his remarks on the program Nuqta-e-Nazar, or "Point of View," a political talk show in the Urdu language.

The owner of Dunya News is Mian Amer Mahmood, who is also the chairman of the Punjab Group of Colleges and a former nazim (administrator) of the Lahore City District Government. Khizr Khan is a graduate of the University of Punjab law school. Mian Amer became notorious at the University of Punjab as a militant for the Jamaat-e-Islami political party's youth wing, Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT), because of his habit of brandishing guns on campus along with other IJT radicals.

In 1985, Mian Amer founded the Punjab Group of Colleges, which eventually became the University of Central Punjab. Mian Amer eventually became a strong supporter of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam (PML-Q), as well as a major booster of Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. Musharraf was a supporter of the Afghan Taliban while it hosted Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda and he is considered a prime suspect in ordering the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

The IJT promoted the adoption of sharia law under Musharraf's regime. The inspirational leader of IJT and its parent Jamaat-e-Islami, Shaykh al-Hadith Maududi, preached that "Everything in the universe is 'Muslim' for it obeys Allah by submission to His laws." He added that the "stars, planets, oceans, rocks, atoms, everything, should actually be considered 'Muslims.'" Maududi's radical philosophy served as an inspiration to not only the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and Boko Haram.

On January 10, 2012, an overcrowded music concert in Lahore organized by Miam Amer's Punjab Group of Colleges resulted in a stampede in which three girls were killed. On February 7, 2012, police registered murder charges against Mian Amer for holding a concert in an overcrowded venue.

Khan ended his interview with Dunya TV by declaring, "All immigrants are against the stupid Republican candidate." Khan, who is seen as a virtuous individual, has still not explained what Mohammed Sadiq, the Washington, DC station chief for Pakistan's notorious Al Qaeda- and Taliban-supporting Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), was doing at his son's Arlington National Cemetery funeral in 2004. No less an expert on foreign counter-intelligence in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, identified the DCM at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC as a diplomatic slot for the ISI station chief. In 2011, the FBI arrested in Fairfax, Virginia, Ghulam Nabi Fai, aka "Doctor Sahib," who ran the Kashmir-American Council, cited by the FBI as an ISI front.

An FBI affidavit stated, "On January 10, 2011, Fai responded [to a request from another ISI agent, Fozia Bibi, the Third Secretary of the Embassy of Pakistan] by noting that he had 'requested the DCM' for the list of names, and that he would try to contact the individuals that he did not yet know. The names of the individuals were on a list of 11 media persons and six intellectuals from think tanks.

An FBI agent stated in the affidavit, "I believe that Fai's reference to 'DCM' referred to the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Pakistani Embassy." The FBI was confirming that the DCM was, in fact, the lead ISI agent at the embassy.

What was the ISI station chief in Washington, Mohammed Sadeq, doing at Captain Khan's funeral at Arlington Cemetery? The ISI supported the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

In 2001, ISI wired $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta's bank account to help facilitate the 9/11 attack scenario. Instead of Donald Trump having to explain himself to Khizr Khan, perhaps it is time for Khizr Khan to come clean about his links to organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Sharia law journal he co-founded, the pro-Taliban Dunya News of Pakistan, and the 9/11 facilitator, the ISI of Pakistan. If Khan were not so connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign, his links to radical Islamists would make him a prime candidate for revocation of citizenship and deportation.



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